
the retribution of trash hero

A boy named noato who was a loner as long as he can remember gets isekied to another world by mistake.At first he was afraid of being alone like in his previous world . This is his story how he became a the hero who saved the world from the demon lord and came to later known as" the crimson lion"

filesshaddy · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 2.1 -the true beginning

After crashing with the vice president me and haru rushed to the class as it was getting late . But when we reached class I noticed something unusual about our class . There was a girl which was looking at me and haru with unusual look in her eyes.

The home room and other classes went as usual but , at lunch the mysterious girl came to haru and asked him 'if he wanted to have lunch with her ' haru went with him

I started to follow them "just out of curiosity"

As haru and mysterious girl were walking down the stairs i again saw the vice president but doesn't thought much of it

At last haru and girl sat on a bench in the ground at the rooftop of our school with their bento in their hands

"You have got nice bento there" haru to the girl

Girl blushs....

After finishing their bento the girl and haru went back to class . I followed them and noticed that the girl was trying to put something in haru's pocket

It fell down on the floor but the girl didn't noticed and went with haru "what would be it that she was trying to put in his pocket"


, I picked up the piece of paper and read what was on it

The Girl shouted from behind " you fool " and suddenly a magic circle apperead around me ...

To be continued...