1 The First Day

"This is the Back area, this is where you will be doing most of your work," said Kyle Gifford to another nightguard who worked at the Museum of Antique Art. "The previous employee who worked here all...backed out so, all you need is on the table over by the door." He began to go towards the exit, "Aren't you coming?" I asked, "No I quit today". He looked over his shoulder as he was about to close the door, "Oh and good luck, you'll need it." I thought it was a little strange but then the man lives alone with 7 cats! I bet he is a little unhinged, I decided to ignore it and walk over to the table he mentioned. There was a black steel flashlight, that I recognized as the same as the free ones at the gift shop, an empty metal water bottle and a walkie-talkie. My shift starts at twelve a.m, I glanced down at my watch, it was 23:57 so I had three minutes before I start whilst I was locking the front door the walkie talkie started to make a noise I leaned closer to hear what it was saying "He.. hello, this is Erin Brown I am the manager here. I take it you have gathered all the necessary items, my task for you tonight is to enter the restricted art area and fix the models as they were somewhat... altered by the students, you have the images of how they are meant to look like on the table, and last but not least be vigilant at all times'' 'Vigilant? What is he on about? "Of course sir" I replied, I wasn't sure if he could hear me "I wish you good luck and happiness in your choice, goodbye!"

'Is everyone here weird' I yelled in my head. I decided to just ignore it and head to the restricted area. The door had yellow and black police tape in an "X" shape. I wondered how people got in if the door was locked, "I suppose it's a fake lock or they have keys for this area, I suppose as it's for art students they probably do," I unlocked the door and walked in, I saw the model in their usual places. "UGH", of course, the students would write obscenities on the models. I started to push the wax figure known as "Kyle Parker" as his head was looking at the door instead of at the wall. As soon as I finished that job I went on to the other figures. There are three different styles of models here, you have a porcelain doll, a wax figure and a clay statue. 2 of the characters were based on living people or a real object, The clay statue is known as "Tsukiko Haruko" is a fantasy creation by one of the graduate students, however, as soon as she was done with the statue she went missing and was found dead in this room. As I was in my thoughts placing the doll in its display case carefully, this doll was created off of another famous girl Charlotte, I heard a noise and spun around to see the wax figure facing the door again...
