

I looked at my reflection in the mirror, i'm wearing a pastel pink dress that is 4 inch above my knee and in off shoulder style

I wore a white sandals and got my white chanel sunglass

well I guess i'm already ready, I looked at my big white suitcase, which I would be using

luckily all the things I need fits perfectly in it.

I asked Milford to carry it downstairs because it was heavy and I carried my chanel bag

"where are you going Fierce?" Tear asked while reading his newspaper

"beach" I replied

"with whom?" it was Real who said that

wait, are they interrogating me?

"of course with my friends, you dont have to worry about me, i'm already a grown up and did you forget I can do martial arts?" I said whining

"be careful okay? we're just worried" Tear said while folding his newspaper and sipped from his tea

and I just noded

I heard the door bell rang and I wonder who visited us this early

the maid opened the door and there emerged the 3 witches

"why are you here?"I coldly asked

"Pappy Tear!" Carl said and ran to Tear who escaped immediately so I just shook my head

"to make sure you won't ditch us" Shine explained while crossing her arms together

I just rolled my eyes

"so can we go now?! kyahhhh!! i'm so excited" Lara squealed

"I didn't eat yet" I said

"then what are you waiting for?! go grab your food now" Shine said while pushing me

"muma! where are you going?" Dean said while rubbing his eyes, obviously he just got up from sleep

I come closer to him and kissed his cheeks

"muma will just go out of town" I said

"can I come?" he said

you're wondering why Dean's calling me muma right?

well, mom died when she gave birth to our dear angel. It was depressing for us, especially for me who's a mommy's girl but we have to be strong for Dean

he was pitiful because in a young age he didn't experience having a good time with his mom, so I as the only girl in the family became his foster mom

but don't get me wrong, he knew I was his sister, it's just that he already used to it. Hopefully he'll stop calling me muma when he'll grow up

"oh baby, you're not allowed there" I said and I saw him pouted

"you're always leaving me alone with this idiots" he said while pointing at Lee who just woke up and is now walking towards us

"Baby! its bad calling older one's idiot and where did you even learned that" I said while glaring at him

"Milford" he said and looked down

"OHHHHH HOW CUTEE!!! JUST BRING HIM FIERCE!!!" Lara said who's stopping herself from linching Dean's chubby cheeks

"can I?" I asked

"I think they wouldn't mind" Shine said assuringly

"Hey Tear can I bring Dean with me?" I asked him who's pushing Carl away from him

"w-wait! ar-are you sure?" he asked

"yeah, so?"

"o-okay, will you get away?!" he said irritated

I just didn't mind them and gone to Dean's room to get some of his clothes

"will you promise muma that you'll behave" and he nodded while carrying his little bunny

"okay, come here and i'll bath you"


"here done" I said and put down the cologne I applied to him

well I guess we're ready

another baggage urg! luckily it's not that big and heavy ey

"let's go down?" I asked Dean and he nodded

"can we go now?" I asked the 3 witches who's now sitting comfortably at our sofa, they stood up and nodded

"good then let's go" I said and started walking while Dean's on my side

"wait Fierce!" Real called me


"here, I packed you two some food, you forgot that the two of you didn't eat yet hmm.. don't forget to eat okay? don't make yourselves hungry" he said while giving me a big paper bag

how much did he packed this time?

Real is like a lady sometimes, more likely a mom to us

"Dean be careful okay? and behave, don't make muma mad okay? I packed apples for you there, eat it okay?" Real said to Dean who's hugging him and he just nodded

"thank you brother, so let's go?"


"bye pappy" Carl said while giving Tear a flying kiss who's obviously digusted

"bye Fierce, Dean be careful okay?" Real reminded us and we just nodded

"so will you ride with us or nah?" Shine asked and I saw her car

I guess this two are just riding with her so I decline her offer

"Nahh, i'll just bring my own car" I said and she just nodded

Dean and I gone to our garage

"so what are we gonna use?" I asked

and Dean pointed the red Ferrari

"it isn't appropriate my dear" I said

and he ended up pointing the black audi

"good choice, so let's go?" I saod and he just nodded

he went inside the car firt while I put the baggages at the back of the car

"do you want to eat?" I ask Dean but he just shrug

"later" he said

I started the engine and drove off

"just follow us Fierce" Shine said through her window and I just nodded

I put my sunglass and followed them

today's the day i'm meeting them once again

I hope this day would be fine

even though i'm still nervous with I don't know

"muma smile okay?" Dean said and I just nodded plastering a smile on my face and showing it to him who smiled also

luckily I have Dean with me

Next chapter