1 Chapter 1. - Fire

" I thought it was over, but I suppose it's not over... not yet its not ." Said Claudette's mother Rosemary Annie Rowen .

"What do you mean Mother, what was it that you believed was over ? " Asked Claudette out of sheer Panic which had encompassed her heart .

The flames roared loudly in their ears as their home burned with the surrounding land which had isolated them from prying eye, as Rosemary shoved her beloved daughter out an open window to get Claudette to safety.

It wasn't till Claudette was finally safe out of the reach of the raging flames that Rosemary submitted to the potency of the smoke, she sat down on a near by chair to gather her now scattered thoughts which were now getting fuzzier and fuzzier all the while it made her realize that if she hadn't gotten out of the smoke soon her life was as good as over.

Claudette knew that her mother was a proud woman , with little consequence to speak of still she had worried about her mother's safety which was now in peril with the raging flames still consuming her home with her mother still Trapped within unable to escape .

Claudette knew too well that her mother would soon be dead if she hadn't been already still there had been some time left , to be concerned about her mother Rosemary's safety even if she had indeed attempted to go back to get her there is little chance that they'd make it out of the house alive together.

Rosemary was still at a loss of what to do as her house had burned and crumbled down all around her with smoke filling the room she was in, in all directions there was no way out and nothing she could do as her lungs filled up with the suffocating smoke from the fire .

" My poor little Claudette, so young and now on her own what kind of wretched mother am I ? " thought Rosemary to herself as she forced herself to take one last dying breath before the end came.

Claudette had returned to the house, to find it in ruins with her mother dead within laying motionless on the floor by her favorite window.
