
The Reminiscence of Yesterday

Arshianna Marshall never really had a complete family. So when she had friends for the first time she was willing to risk everything that she has. But what if a dream-like moment turns into a disaster as the truth of the past unfolds.

aclinomania · Fantasy
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7 Chs


I LOOKED at the man in front of me in disbelief. I couldn't tell whether he was joking or not. I pushed him in his head making him pout at me. I sighed.

"Aww. What was that for?" He asked me while rubbing the back of his head. "Tch!" I clicked my tounge and went inside the gates. I looked around; amusement was visible in my eyes. This place is so magnificent.

Looking at the large building in front of me, I didn't notice I bumped into someone. What's with the bumping, seriously?

"Hey! Watch we're your going!" A girl with a blue hair said to me. "Sorry." I said helping her stand up. "Do you know what this place is?" I asked her and she looked at me checking me from head to toe, which was really uncomfortable.

"Are you a transferee or an evil being?" She said eyeing at me. I shook my head. "I'm not really one of those-"

"So you're a human?" She said, isn't she also a human? "Yes?" I asked slightly confused. People can get really weird.

"How'd you get here?" She said, I just signaled her I don't know she just sighed. "Are you with anyone?" She said and I nodded. "Where?" Pertaining to the one I was with.

"Hey mate." James said and popped out of nowhere. "James? Are you done with your mission?" The girl said and he nodded. "You should've lead this girl to her way back then. The headmistress would be outrageous once she hears that a human got passed the barrier." The girl hysterically said.

"Uh-What?" I blurted out in confusion. "Nevermind, let's just get you back, okay?" She said and I nodded James just laughed and I saw the girl rolled her eyes.

The girl led the way to the headmistress's office while James was trailing behind us. It was mere silence. We went inside the huge building that somehow reminded me of a castle because of its interior design. The hallway was silent and I can't see anyone here.

"When do classes start Migs?" James said and I see her roll her eyes. "Its Luna Miguel, Evan. Plus didn't you listen on the headmistress's entrance speech?" She said. "I just asked a question and you didn't even answer it-" Before James could even finish what he's saying Luna looked back and gave him a deadly smile.

We were already walking straight for a while now and all I can hear was mere silence. I guess Luna did scare off James. I wanted to ask the two if we were almost there but I rather not to. I was too tired to talk and plus I just met this two. Doesn't mean that the two of them helped me it doesn't mean that they're not bad people.

Plus, how did I even ended up bumping into James when he's not even a student at our school. Also how does he even know my name I the first place? I sighed, silently hoping I could trust this two to get me home, somehow.

"What's with the sighing?" James said at me and I just shook my head and continued following Luna who doesn't seem to care about her environment.

"You can trust me, you know?" He said and I looked at him and stared at his eyes for a second then looking back forward again, like nothing happened. "Did you?" He asked. "What?" I said and he sighed, and said nevermind as he parts away from me.

I looked up front trying to remember what I saw in his eyes, it was longing, and sadness.

"SOMEONE might've opened the barrier at the time. Did you see anyone come I before you?" Headmistress Maria asked me and I shook my head. "I went in because of curiosity the place never existed there in the first place." I said answering politely. "If that's the case a portal might've grow at your place." The Headmistress said.

"Is that even possible, Miss?" Luna asked her. It's been half an hour since they asked me how I got here and I answered their questions truthfully. "Yes perhaps magic was somehow collected in that place and something might've triggered it for a long time." The Headmistress said.

"I don't mean to butt in but can you bring me back home?" I said and they looked at me. The Headmistress seemed really nice so I didn't nauseous about their looks but I feel a little shy for butting in but I really want to go home. I feel like it's already lunch time because I'm feeling a little hungry.

"I don't mean to burst your bubble but you can't." The Headmistress said and I looked at her in disbelief. I taught she was nice but I take it back.

"You've known about the existence of this place and you won't be in this place if you aren't one of us." She said. "What?" I asked, confusion was visible on my face. "But I need to go home and if you can't help me with that then thank you and all but I need to go." I said standing up I was about to get out when she said something that rang a bell on my ear.

"Freya Marshall is your mother isn't it?" She said and froze at my place unable to process what she was saying.

Rays of memories blasted at my sight it was a woman in front of me and she was begging for her life at the man who wore a dark cloak. It was a dark night and it looked like it was in a middle of a forest it was raining. "Please spare us!" The woman said and there I noticed there was a baby in her arms and she was on the ground. I saw the man in the dark cloak about to slice the sword into her.

"No!" I screamed but then I saw in front of me the woman die as I felt my environment around me change.

I was back.