6 06: Dancing with the Devil

After being hunted by the arrogant man, Diablo began to form his plan to kill the arrogant fool who decided to mess with him. 'If your going to kill, you best be prepared to die' he said internally as a slight smile broke out on his face.

'Open Gate' he stated mentally. Suddenly, a familiar window appeared before his eyes like a menu from a video game, however, this "menu" was a picture from hell.

[Gate realized. Beginning Process....Process Complete.]

As the window faded a strange blue portal appeared in it's place. It was barely visible to the naked eye, however, the caster could see it as clear as day and he reached out his hand and placed in inside the portal. For a few minutes he stood with his arm rummaging in the mysterious portal floating in the room, "Got it" he shouted with an excited expression which quickly turned into something much more sinister. 'This should do the trick' he thought to himself as he grasped the matte black sword which emitted an overwhelming and sinister aura. This sword was 'Lucifers Prize', a sword crafted from all the sins and evil which Lucifer had created and forged into a demonic sword. This swords power was tantamount to that of the devil himself, making the wielder as powerful; if not more powerful than the devil himself.

When Diablo first got this demonic sword after he gained the system, he thought he would never use it and all it would do was hinder him. Besides, he wanted to help the humans not slaughter them, however, he has now found a use of the sword; to purify the sinners of the Human Sector. Abruptly, Diablo let out a light chuckle as he imagined the scene of him severing the head of the arrogant sinner that dared to oppose him, "He'll get his money worth" he murmured and placed the sword next to his wooden bed as he went to sleep.

The next morning, Diablo woke up early and picked up his sword and left the inn which he had slept in. The day before, he had arrived at the arrogant man's town, however, as it was night, he was unable to kill the man just yet. In addition, he wanted to get more information from the arrogant man of the human history and also to see whether any more town's history had been changed or if 'Yondo Town' was the only one that had been changed. He highly doubted the man had just changed one town's history, however he wanted to check this town's history as according to demon history books; it was this town that had been attacked by General Trihan during the human-demon war and it had been completely destroyed up until the borders were created.

Slowly, Diablo searched around the town while trying to hide his intentions. He used illusion magic to make the demonic sword look like an ordinary blade and concealed the aura it was emitting. When looking through the town, he saw a familiar man beating up a timid man; it was the arrogant man who had sent someone to kill him. Upon seeing this, Diablo concealed his malice as to not alert the man in case he was able to sense his aura as he grabbed the man throat and bashed his head into the wall.

The man's blood painted the wall a dark red as the timid man ran away in fear and Diablo quickly erased the timid man's memory.

Feeling extremely dizzy and nauseated, the arrogant man could only see a blur of the boys face, but what he saw was nothing short of evil. In his blurry gaze, he saw a sinister smile on the boys face as he felt himself being dragged viciously along the ground towards a desolate alleyway.

Once he came back to his senses, he realized he couldn't move. No matter how much he tried, he couldn't move an inch. Fear overwhelmed him as he realized the dire situation he was now in when he saw the familiar boy who had shattered the bones in his arm. 'He's going to kill me' he thought as he trembled in fear.

Diablo reached out his hand and clutched the man's head as a white light radiated from his hand and entered the man's skull. Unbearable pain went into the man's head as Diablo forcibly extracted information from the man's brain, he was intentionally rough when he extracted the data; he was anything but gentle. The man tried to scream in pain, but no sound came out his mouth, it was like there was a strange force preventing him from screaming. After a few minutes, Diablo let go of the man's head as he was satisfied with the information he had obtained.

On the other hand, the arrogant man had become an empty shell; a shadow of his former arrogant self. The man was completely broken from Diablo invading his brain and the excruciating pain he had felt while being unable to scream for help. His pupil didn't move an inch and light didn't even reach his eyes, he sat frozen in a post traumatic state with nothing left of himself; sitting quietly, waiting for his end.

"Do you have any last words to add?" Diablo asked sarcastically with a smile on his face as he looked at the broken man.

"..." The man tried to speak but his body refused, all he wanted was to be released from this hell.

Staring at the man with a cold expression, he grasped the hilt of his demonic sword as severed the head of the man. The man's pupils didn't even move a millimetre while his head was separated from his body while his body stayed as still as a statue until it dropped to the ground, cold and dead.

Seeing this scene, Diablo's expression stayed the same, it's not that he wanted to see this man; the man was simply an obstacle in Diablo's path. When looking at the man's corpse, he didn't bat an eyelash, staring at it as if it were utter trash and walked away.

As he walked away from the grotesque remains of the once arrogant man, a familiar window appeared before the boy's eyes.


Author's Note: If you enjoy the book, add it to your library. It helps me out alot.
