

The day started drastically for me . First period was MATHS. I do not wish to tell u this but there wasn't a student in our class who wouldn't think twice to bunk this particular period. Dr Alphonso , our teacher entered with a euphoric face only to find a bunch of lazy students . GOOOD MORNING SIIIIR!!!! .With a grim look , he placed the books on the table. As he began to address the class, we heard a creaking sound emerging from the table. Thud. the books were strewn upon the pile of broken pieces of the table . Seriously, pranks do have an extent but not in our school. Who did this ??. The roar of Alphonso sir's voice ringed throughout the corridor. " It was Elister sir". Bob the class goon replied . He smirked at me with his gleeful eyes which portrayed revenge for the incident that happened a month ago (Though I don't want to tell,but will soon.). "OLDIE", as we had nicknamed our Sir came towards me . Smack!!.. A slap on my face. I was too used to that that I didn't feel anything but it did hurt a little . " Now, Elister, get out of my class". I rejoiced inside but kept embarrassed face outside . Anything that prevents me from your ruthless lectures of X And Y's which I couldn't even understand,I thought to myself. My friends looked at me with jealousy for they too wished to get a finer chance like this of going out of this oldie's class. As I went outside , I scanned my surrounding. Such a large playground with an ability to attract any boy or girl to play . As I looked, my thoughts soared back to my first punishment I ever got in my school life. I was the most embarrassed person. But look at me now. Not a single percent of shame. As I was pondering , the bell rang . ALPHONSO Sir came out and advised me ( but I thought as a warning) " U r a grown child now Elister, I believe that as your age goes up the brain's mentality too develops ". With a stern look he kept talking but I did not dare to make eye contact With him . But not a single word registered in my mind. He kept talking for a minute or two and then went away speaking to himself about the present generation of children . Now time for a fight with our best enemy Bob..


IF YOU ARE A OBEDIENT KID WITH AN INTENTION TO SCALE GREAT HEIGHTS, DO NOT TURN THE PAGE. TURN BACK... For a great danger will arrive. An adventure which will haunt your nightmares forever....????❓❓❓❕❕❕❕

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