
Chapter 6

It was only a matter of time.

She would have been an idiot if she thought she was going to be able to keep what she was doing hidden for forever. And she would have been really dumb if she thought she could keep everything away from her best friend.

Erin had come out of Mr. Leslie's office at the end of the day when most of her coworkers had already gone home. She was in the middle of fixing her clothes when Abby jumped out in front of her,


Which in Abby's mind sufficed for a 'hello'.

"What are you doing coming out of Mr. Leslie's office, fixing your clothes like that?"


"Relax, we were just-…"

She gasped. "You fucked him didn't you?"

"Lower your voice for God sakes, Abby!" Erin loudly whispered.

Her eye gleamed with excitement. "You, did. Was this the first time? Was there another time? How long has this been going on? Why didn't you tell me?!" She was also whispering loudly, and it was starting to get the attention of the few remaining people scattered about in their lab.

"Come here."

Erin grabbed hold of her friend and took them into an empty office behind Mr. Leslie's and closed the door. "Ok," she sighed, "if I tell you, you can't freak out."

"I will most certainly not make a promise like that." Abby laughed while crossing her arms over her chest.




"Watch your mouth young lady." She laughed, again.

This was going to be a disaster, but, she couldn't hide it any longer, Abby already knew something was up and if she didn't tell her now and she found out later? She was going to catch shit from her friend for the rest of her life.

"Screw it, you know our supplement?"

"The one we used to get our grant with? Yeah. Nice job by the way on that, you killed it with those last testing results."

"Thanks Abs….but that's not all I did with our tests."

"What do you mean?"

"Remember that night I had to stay late because I didn't finish the tests nor the notes?" She watched her friend shake her head 'yes'. "Well, I kind of made a….discovery."

"What kind?" Abby leaned forward and put her hands on her hips.

Erin hated when she did this because she felt like a little girl about to be yelled at by her mother.

She took a deep breath and blurted it all out. "Come to find out by using a shorter dosage of the plant extract I was able to find a potion that would increase the hormone level of a female subject that male subjects found desirable and after testing it out on the rats I used it on myself and that's why all the men in here have been acting crazy lately. And yes, before you even say anything, yes I've been sleeping with Mr. Leslie, and yes it's been going on for weeks now."

Abby's mouth fell agape.

"We've had sex everywhere. In his office, at his place, my place, we've had sex in here…we've even did it at my work station. We had to make sure we cleared the security videos of course but yes we have had sex in the lab."

"You bitch."

"You're not mad?"

"Oh, oh of course I'm mad Erin! You could have been killed what the hell is wrong with you? Taking a drug that you have no idea how it works on the human body and not telling anyone, what if you got sick, how would you have told us about this?"

"Like this?" She shrugged.

"You-…damn it, don't do that, don't act all cute and innocent when this is some serous shit." Abby turned in anger, but then whipped back around again, her lab coat swinging in the wind. "And another thing! You mean to tell me you've kept this juicy secret to yourself all thing time and you didn't tell me? Hoe. How could you have been fucking the all mighty Mr. Leslie and not tell ME?"

"I told you about those other guys I slept with."

"Who cares!" She threw her arms in the air dramatically. "Im proud of you for sure, that you've finally hit your hoe phase, but it's kinda mared because you've been doing it with the aid of a drug…and how could you NOT tell me about Mr. Leslie?!"

"First of all….lower your voice," Abby flipped her off, she did the same right back, "let's be real here: you're only really upset that I didn't tell you I was sleeping with Mr. Leslie, aren't you?"

"Yes. And no, seriously Erin you can't do this shit again, ok?"

"I know, Abby."

"Ok but you didn't seem to care when you did it the first time, so maybe someone should have given you this talk from before. You can't, do this again, Erin, you know that, you Know that. Anything could have happened to you. You're an idiot but you're my best fucking friend. Please. Don't. Do this again."

Abby walked up to her and hugged her, Erin hugged her right back without hesitation. It was then she felt like shit, she knew what she was doing was wrong, she told herself that over and over and over, but in the moment none of that mattered. The results were sound, they got their grant, the lab was safe for another few years, all of their projects were greenlighted, she didn't break up any marriages, though she came close, no one go hurt and in the end she got what she wanted: Attention, sex, sex with any man she wanted, and she wanted Mr. Leslie.

"So," Abby faked sniffled, "how was it?"

She knew exactly what she meant. "Mr. Leslie is the best thing to ever happen to me, like, he gives me a spark to life that I was missing, that I wanted, and now needed."

She sniffled again. "Bu is his dick big?"


"Did he fuck you dirty?"

"Like the wanton whore I am."

She sighed and hugged her tighter. "That's my girl."

Erin laughed and pushed her away, "thanks mom."

"So, when do you see him again? Does he come over to your house, or do you just go over to see him? Do you have like, scheduled times for sex or is it like a random text where he's like: come here, I need that pussy, now!"

"Jesus, Abby."

"No no, you've kept this from me for too long, now it's time for all the details to be revealed. How often do you have to take this drug for this shit to work? I'd love to see it in person."

"I mean it's really not that special, I made enough so I can take about a vial every few days. That keeps the scent up to peak so that-…"

It was then Erin had stopped talking, choked even, when she realized what she had done, or rather didn't do. She hadn't taken any of the potion that week, like, at all. She had forgotten to, like the collasal idiot that she was, she had actually forgotten to take the very thing that had given her this new life.

"Erin? Hon, what is it, what's wrong? Are you sick?" Abby asked, obviously worried. "Are you having side effects from taking this shit? Erin? What is it?!"

She opened her mouth to speak but was drowned out by the pounding on the door. Both girls screamed when they heard it, but it was Erin who was closer so she was the one who actually opened it. To her relief it was Mr. Leslie.

"Oh," she breathed out, her hand on her chest, "it's only you Mr. Leslie, what's wrong?"

He stood still, looking her up and down like he had never seen her before in his life.

"M-Mr. Leslie? Are you ok?"

"Erin. I remember."

Her eyes almost grew to the size of saucers.

"I remember, everything."

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