
Chapter 4

Her heart was pounding, she thought her chest was going to burst. Erin had already made it past Ty, and he once again grabbed her in a hug, a tight, hard one, his erection in full swing, as he breathed in her scent as if she were a scrap of fresh meat. And as much as she liked it, she couldn't stay, she had to get to the lab: today was the day she was going to test out the result of the supplement on her main target: Mr. Leslie. By the end of this day she was going to have him, and after all the waiting she had to do, she didn't care if it were right at this point. She had made enough of the side supplement to take for herself for a few weeks if need be, but she also made notes of what she did so if she had to make some more, she could.


She had missed the elevator due to Ty trying to dry hump her at the security gate. It was then that she got a good glimpse of herself in the reflection of the black glass of the closed elevator doors. She saw herself in a new light, for quick possibly the first time ever. She had already had the 'but you really are cute' conversation with Abby time and again and she knew on some days she really did look god, but today? Today she looked really good. Her glasses were cleaned, her hair was down and actually laid down on the side perfectly, Her lab coat was freshly dry cleaned, her white short sleeved blouse fit, her black pencil skirt, fit, her red pumps clicked at the right time when she walked, everything, just everything matched and worked for her that day. She wondered if it were the supplement that helped even her see herself this way.


The elevator door opened and she rushed in so fast that she didn't even see Mr. Leslie come rushing in behind her.


"Hey! Late too, huh?"

She smiled. 'This was it.' She screamed to herself, and couldn't contain the goofy smile she kept plastered on her face.

"You're in a good mood this morning, by any chance did you have a hot date last night?" He nugged her in her arm playfully.

Erin could barely contain herself as she waited for the "potion" to take its effect. She made sure she drank a whole vial before she left her apartment, Another 'no-no' she was doing was taking her work home with her, by taking the supplement she created home and taking it without supervision of her colleagues. She could be making herself sick, or worse, even killing herself. She didn't know what she was doing to herself but everything she was doing could potentially be harmful. There was no way to tell for sure until more time had passed. Still…


That didn't matter now, nothing and none of anything she had been stressing about mattered now, because it was then that Mr. Leslie had called out her name in a way she had never heard before.

This was it.

"Y-Yes Mr. Leslie?"

He was carrying his messenger bag on one shoulder, the sleeves on his white button up shirt were rolled up as per usual, his black pants, his tight black pants cut and cupped everything where it was supposes to be, which Erin was thankful for, because it was then that she glanced down and got a look at his now visible hard on.

'It works.'

He chuckled, and ran his hand through his perfectly styled brown hair. "I'm sorry Erin, did you say you had a date, last night?"

"N-No, I didn't I just sept in late I guess."

"Well you look great," he said while turning to face her.

Erin slowly turned to face him, accepting him into her personal space. "Thanks."

He breathed in. "You smell great too, are you wearing a different perfume perhaps?"

'That's the same thing, Ty asked, this potion must give out some kind of sweet smelling scent to males…that's what makes them act like this. I gotta write this down when we get upstairs.'

It was then Erin noticed that Mr. Leslie was touching her, she looked up to see he was holding the side of her face, and gently pushed a stray piece of hair out of her eyes. He was standing so close in front of her, she then leaned her body in close to him, now breathing in his scent. Mr. Leslie let his bag slide off his shoulder and hit the floor with a gentle thud. Erin gasped a little when she felt his other arm grab hold onto her waist and pull her to him, trapping her arms to his chest.

Erin didn't even bother to talk, she had wasted enough time talking as is, she wanted at this moment was him. She leaned forward, parted her lips and closed her eyes….

"What are you doing?"

Her cheeks flared up. "I-…I thought that…Oh, God, I'm so sorry, Mr. Leslie, I thought…!"

He laughed. "Heh, just kidding, come here."

Erin yelped when he pulled her back to him after she tried to detangle herself from his grasp. Mr. Leslie leaned down and kissed her hard, ignoring her second squeak of what sounded like a mixture of pain and excitement. He kissed her, holding her to him, moving his mouth against hers, breathing out his nose with what she assumed was desire. It felt like she was now a part of him, like he didn't want to let her go and she didn't mind that at all. Erin wanted to grab onto his shirt, ball it up in her hands and destroy him right there in the elevator, but she knew she couldn't, they had to be on the floor in a matter of seconds. Incidentally:

This was the longest elevator ride ever.

She kissed him back with as much force as she could, enjoying when he pushed her back to hit the wall of the elevator, and putting his hand against the wall to help hold her up. She instinctively picked her leg up to rest it to his hip and it was then she felt the full force of his erection in the opening of her crotch.

"Mr. Leslie." She breathed.

Erin was glad she decided to only wear some lip balm and a slight shade or pink lip gloss that day. Had she of worn anything else, they would have both been found out immediately. It was then the elevator was about to *ding* one last time and it would have been their floor.

"Mr. Leslie." She tried one more time between lip locks.

"When you get off work tonight," he whispered against her mouth, "come see me."

"A-Are you sure?" She whined innocently, knowing full well she was already there in her head mentally.

Mr. Leslie picked up her leg and thrust into her, pressing her fully against the wall, smiling again when she moaned, a little too loud. "Yes. Tonight. At seven o'clock, be at my front door, do you understand?"

"Yes Mr. Leslie."

He kissed her again, hard, again, then let her go as the doors were about to open and their little tryst was about to be exposed. When the doors did open, it was as if nothing happened, Mr. Leslie walked out first, held the doors for her and then the two of them walked into the glass double doors of their lab as if nothing happened. Erin laughed a little when Mr. Leslie had to hold his messenger bag a different way to conceal his now full blown erection. He glanced back at her with a smile on his face when he heard her laughing.

"Thank God you're here!" Abby about yelled when Erin walked through the doors. "Do you have the reports? We need to have them typed up today!"

'Shit.' She just about forgot.

"I'll have them to you in two hours."


"Two. Hours. Abby."

"Ew." She threw her hands up in front of her in mock defense. "Ok, I'm just trying to get us the money we need to save our future projects."

"I know, Abby." Erin looked up again and caught Mr. Leslie's glance, she smiled when he very obviously fixed the crotch of his pants in front of her.

"What are you smiling about over there?" Abby asked.

"Nothing." Erin just about cut her off, then huffed her things over to her table. It was going to be the longest day of her life. She had to get the final results of the test for the real supplement done in time for the deadline, while not thinking about how good Mr. Leslie's dick felt pressed up against the front of her panties.

She sighed.

It was going to be a, very, long, day.

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