
Chapter 1

The security panel buzzed and flashed red again for the second time, one more wrong entry and the system will be locked for twenty minutes while it reboots and she will be late for work. As if the day couldn't get any worse. Erin felt the itching of her lab coat irritate the skin on her neck, this was a new coat and she had yet to cut the tag off, so this very thing wouldn't happen. She grabbed at her collar with anger and sighed, then calmed her hand to put in her code one more time.

The machine finally turned green.

It was a Monday for sure, even though it was Tuesday, it felt like a Monday. She had to take her notes home with her because she, once again, did not finish writing them up at work. Her mind was elsewhere and she hated when she got distracted like that. The bright white lights of the lab hurt her eyes more than usual this morning, which made her stress headache worse. The white sterilized tables, lined up in a row behind each other, all with two sets of stools sitting underneath them. Her table was in the middle, directly across the glass doors that separated their lab from the rest of the building. The walls were plastered with papers, notes, announcements, a calendar here and there and project reminders all over. There were three other rooms in the lab, two were other bigger lab rooms and the one was the main office of the lead scientist, her boss, Mr. Leslie.

She sighed.

Her best friend Abby had called her to go over the results of their last experiment but their conversation eventually turned into the same topic they always argued about: When was she going out with her and David so they could get her crop dusted by one of the hundreds, thousands of eligible men in our luscious city? She actually used the term "luscious." Not her smartest argument but still one that had some merit.

Erin was a nerd and not just because of her job, she was an out and out, socially awkward, low speaking, overlooked, hair always in a bun, wore the same frumpy clothes to work every day nerd. And it wasn't as if she weren't somewhat cute, at least in Abby's eyes, she had potential but didn't know how to utilize any of it, so it all just went to waste. With her long brown hair, skin that tanned easily, making her look Hispanic more than Caucasian, she looked much younger than she was which was a blessing and a curse. Her features were fair but mature, and her body had curves, she was busty, her double-d cup was one of her saving graces but that was pretty much it for her. She was short so she didn't have a great set of legs and her butt existed but not really noticeable. She was kind of cute but that was it.

"Ugh, God." She really needed to stop listening to her so called best friend hype her up like this especially before a work day, because now all she could think of was how she wasn't enough. And today of all days was not the time to be jarred on personal matters, she had a meeting today with Mr. Leslie about the experiment they had been working on for the last three months now: The effects of increased hormone injections. She and Abby, but mostly herself and the lead, were working on the effects of increased testosterone and estrogen in lab rats, how they react to other rats how other rats react to them, and the long term results would be. It seemed like a simple test, one that had been discovered before, but not all the rats were responding in the way that they were in the reports the last time the test was done. And science, as she came to find out, was about going back and performing tests over and over again, than it was about discovering something new. To prove a theory it had to be tested, sometimes multiple times, in order to get the most accurate results. And Erin was happy to be on the project, the lead, her boss, Mr. Leslie was a nice man, very engaging, asked the right questions, and helped Erin better explain her findings the right way so there was no confusion. He performed his own trials as well but worked with her and Abby so that all the work collaborated. They worked well together, he worked with them more like a fellow co-workers and not like a boss at all, which was more helpful in the end, because he treated them like equals. Mr. Leslie was the best.

"Hey, good morning Erin, ready to rock and roll?"

Her cheeks did their horrible dance of the 'heated red blush' whenever he spoke to her, just like every morning, and she almost dropped her piping hot coffee on the table and all over her paperwork.

"Hey! Yeah. Mr. Leslie, I'm ready to go when you are." She stumbled, just making it to her station without need of assistance.

He chuckled. "You sure? Looks like I'm working you too hard, you can barely make it in here without toppling over." He smiled, his perfect white straight and gleaming teeth exposing themselves to her, as they did every morning.

It was then she felt the oh-so painful twinge in her crotch. 'Focus Erin,' she warned herself.

"Oh, yeah," she ruffled the loose papers and got them back into the ultra -thick blue binder and placed it and all of her belongings on the table where they belonged. "I'm good to go here."

"Heh, well good, let me know when Abby gets here and we can get started. I want us to have the conclusion theory as soon as possible so we can type it up and have it ready to be published, ok?"

"Sure thing." She sighed, lost in his rich, green, yet compassionate eyes, yet again. "I won't let you down."

"You never do."

"…..bet you'd like HIM to go down on you, eh?"

She choked, which initiated a small coughing fit. Thankfully for her Mr. Leslie was already safely behind his enclosed office and didn't witness any of it. "Damn it, Abby!"

Her bubbly and irritating partner in crime Abby laughed at her easily embarrassed friend, then tossed her own belongings: purse, keys, phone, binders, and of course coffee, on the table. "Sorry babes, you're just so easy. Bet you wish he was too, eh?"

"Why do you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Say 'Eh', all the time you're not Canadian."

"Because it gets on your nerves," she smiled, her pink lip gloss shinning thanks to the many florescent lights in the lab. "And because you just need to stop pretending like you don't like Mr. Leslie and just ask him out already."

It was so easy for Abby, she could say stuff like that her looking the way she did. She was taller than Erin, much taller in fact, that she often felt like her little sister. Her clothes were always new and fit her well-kept and toned body, even Erin found herself glancing at her friend's double d's from time to time, they somehow looked bigger than hers. Her skin was also a healthy tan, not a nasty orange tan but a beautiful brown tan that only complimented her blonde hair. Her hair which looked as if it were plucked out of a fashion magazine, had natural wavy curls and bounced when she walked. She could bag a guy like Mr. Leslie, he being a real, live talking Adonis. Everything about him screamed unavailable, he was her boss, for one, but also, he was the tall, dark and handsome kind of man most women fantasize about but never meet in real life. He was a six foot tall, styled brown haired having, green eyes that could engulf your soul, perfect jaw line, beautiful smile and a body that, even though he wore a lab coat, tailored shirt that clung to his toned, ab riddled chest, and pants that were tight enough to admire his perfectly swollen ass you could make out every inch of him. Erin would find herself staring at him all the time, all, the, time.

Mr, Leslie was a god.

And she was someone who became overly excited, to the point of jumping up and down when she found one of her old pink srunchies in her closet while spring cleaning. Erin was not Mr. Leslie's type. She knew that and had to be reminded of that every day. Still, it was nice to fantasize.

"You ever wonder if he's just, like, blow your back out during sex?"

"Abby!" Her cheeks were a nice pink-red.

"What?" She laughed, while opening her binder and taking out her copies of notes for their project she worked on last night. "You know you want to know, hell I want to know."

"You have a boyfriend."

"And? I love David, duh, but damn Mr. Leslie is the ultimate peak of sexual conquest."

"You're impossible."

"And you're too old to be blushing at sex talk. You're like what, 30?"

"So? I can't be like you, just sprouting out raunchy crap whenever I feel like it."

"And that's why you will be alone forever, just you and your vibrating rabbit…"


This was going to be a shit day, Abby was in rare form and apparently, almost making Erin miss their deadline for their projects by keeping her up late last night with her protruding into her personal life. And how did she even know she had a vibrator? She never told her she did, and it was increasingly embarrassing because she used it last night. All that talk of men, different size penises, when she last had an orgasm, failed relationships, how could she not get hot and bothered? Her body just couldn't take it, the more she thought about it, talked about it the worse her desire became, her crotch physically throbbed and it wasn't long before had to end the call and get her hands down her silk panties, which were already wet beyond what she thought.

It felt good. It always felt good, Erin had gotten so good at pleasing herself that she could orgasm within record time now, she barely needed her vibrator but was in a mood for it last night and quite possibly over used it. She usually is quiet while playing with herself but last night she felt her mouth fall open, her voice leave her body after her breath caught in her throat and she screamed. It was loud. But it felt amazing. The mess she left behind, not so much, she had to change her sheets afterwards. She could please herself, she wasn't totally devoid of sexual experiences, not by a long shot, but still, having a boyfriend after not having one for two full years would be nice.

She hated her friend for making her feel this way, bringing up old demons, making her lose sleep, almost making her miss their deadline, and for being right. Again.

"Ladies. You ready to go over notes?"

"Yes." Erin and Abby both answered in unison.

"Come on girl, hey, maybe if you loosen one of those buttons on your shirt you have that's choking you right now, he might look at you differently than the shy, little sister, and more like the sexy, taught, wet subordinate he could ravage on the counter next to the lab rats."

"For. God. Sakes. Abby." Erin's face would surely implode at this rate. They both gathered their notes and binders and walked into Mr. Leslie's office. It was going to be a very long day.

Next chapter