

Three angel and three demons were put into another world for the archangel tournament buth this time they added in a mysterious girl as the last angel to join.

Neo_Matiste · Fantasy
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"Chains. Being bound forever is exhausting it isn't that pleasant all" I thought to myself

"In the space between heaven and hell there's this place called internatiy, it's a dark place where creatures are kept, who are not allowed anywhere, not even earth. Internatiy is only for unwanted creatures, like me I've been here for centuries and still haven't seen light or much less someone else, at this point i don't even know where i came from, not even my parent's faces. Weird huh? I know."

I then noticed that the floating rock had left me and floated somewhere else. "I've really gone insane.." I thought to myself as I continued to chat with myself. Suddenly a spot of light shines illuminating the darkness with a bit of light and a creature with six wings and two halos intertwined together grabbed me and pulled me out. I closed my eyes because the light was continuing to become brighter and brighter.

Finally I decided to open my eyes after hearing unknown voices. In front of me were around six tall pilers of all different length and sizes. "What is this?" Looking down on me were two other creatures with wings.

A loud glorious voice echoed throughout the white tower, "You are now standing in front of the six primordial gods." 

"The what?" I questioned 

"The six primordial gods."

"am i going crazy, the internatiy is making me see stuff again.."

"No. You have been chosen to take part in the Archangel's tournament." he answered 

"The archangel?" I questioned again dumbfounded 

"Yes. The archangels are chief angels, who has great rank and power." he stated in an annoyed tone 


"Primordial god Aether has chosen you as the last candidate." 

"Ok, but why?"

"Because he saw great potential in you."

"Ok i accept." I said out loud, however deep down I just didn't want to go back in the internatiy.

 "Great. Now the archangel tournament is a fight where three angels and three demons compete to become an archangel and then later on a primordial god."

"Wait, why demons!"

"Because it was made so by the higher beings."


"Alright, this centuries tournament is being held differently, the settings and rules have changed."

All four of us were shocked but the gods just looked down at us with amused eyes, "You guys will be sent to another world, and the only rule is to survive."


Everyone watched me in shock, "Wait don't you remember?"

"No.. sorry."

They then went on to tell me that i was in a coma for three months, i told them i lost all my memories so it will make it a bit easier on me. "Announce to all that princess Alora has been awaken and leave out the part where she gain the divine ability.."

I asked "What divine ability are you talking about?"

"Dad, I'll tell her. Long ago goddess Devika blessed the six rune empires with runes.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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