

- So what do you say your name is? I asked my skill.

-[My name is "ToT". And to be more precise, I am a specialized artificial intelligence, the purpose of which is to facilitate the use of the skill "That". But you can just call That One]

-<I kind of asked him about his name, not about what he is.>

- Uh, ToT, right? So you're saying that I died, after which my soul was transferred to another world, right? I asked for the sake of just making sure.

- [Yes]

"...I thought so

I raised my head (Did I raise my head?) up and began to examine the stalactites.

-<Rebirth, right? Well, not so bad. In that world, even though my life began to improve, but it wasn't that it managed to get better so well that I missed it. There is no family. There is no money. There are no friends. There is a house, but I think in two months it would not be there. It turns out pretty... a sad picture.>

My thoughts subsided and I just started looking at the ceiling of the cave.

But suddenly I realized something else that made me feel a little stupid.

- <Is that a Skill? Skill! God, why didn't I pay attention to it right away!?>

"ToT you said you were a skill. What did you mean by that?

-[Speaking more or less clearly for you, then I am something like a skill from the so-called video games. This is the most similar analogy I've found.]

-<Video game skill?! So what is it that turns out? I moved into some unknown world with... gaming skills?>

- Listen, ToT, and these skills... They, like, only I have or...- But before I could finish, I was interrupted.

- [No. As mentioned earlier, this is the most similar analogy I have found. Almost every living being in this world is gifted with these very skills or rather abilities. There is no game system or anything like that. You're just a little lucky with what skills you got.]


* Silence*

- <Well, then I jumped to conclusions. I'm not that special. Stop! What did he say there? With skills? So do I have any other skills? So! I'm in a hurry again! maybe it's...>

That's how I sat for 10 minutes and thought about something absurd and incomprehensible.

"ToT you mentioned that I was lucky with the skills I got. What do you mean by that?

-[The skills you have gained are somewhat different from those that the inhabitants of this world receive. The main difference is that the inhabitants of this world get their skills as a result of the accumulation of life experience, training, etc. And you arrived in this world with a ready-made skill pack. Isn't it luck?]

-<This looks more like cheating than luck. If you believe Toth, it takes a lot of time to get one skill, and I've already appeared here with them. Although... maybe my skills are so bad that it won't even matter.>

- ToT, could you tell me more about my skills, or at least show them. If you can, of course.

- [Of course. Wait a second]

After these words, a very bright light flashed in front of me for a moment <I didn't even squint>. After that, she appeared in front of me... The panel?


"Magic vision"/"Magic flair" - This skill is innate. It allows you to see and feel the compliments surrounding you, thereby being an alternative to ordinary vision.


The skill "ToT" is a special skill that stores an unimaginable amount of knowledge. It acts as a database, but it is also capable of analyzing magic and various situations. Also, the skill "That" is capable of evaluating items, than it is able to replace the skill "Assessment". For ease of use, an AI has been introduced into the skill, the purpose of which is to provide all possible assistance and assistance to the owner of the skill.


The "Gasterization" skill is a special skill unique to your race. Its very existence leads to changes in your body, soul and personality. These changes open up the possibility for you to use special sub-languages that cannot be copied.

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Soul Manipulation Sub-habit - This sub-habit allows you to manipulate and change the very soul of the creatures you killed, or even your own. It is also possible to manipulate and change living beings, but this requires simply COLOSSAL control and knowledge. Otherwise, you can damage the essence or destroy the soul altogether.

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The "Anihilator" sub-skill - This skill calls for a special weapon unique to your race. The summoned weapon is capable of releasing a particularly powerful magic ray, which is able to annihilate everything, up to the magic itself. The beam power can be adjusted.

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The "Seven Hands" skill - This skill calls for 7 hands with special properties.

The 1st (Red Hand) hand makes a shot with a red laser under the property of which time and space are destroyed, which is why the object of attack simply disappears.

The 2nd (Orange hand) hand puts remote bombs-balls that explode on the next use of the hand.

The 3rd (Yellow Hand) hand shoots a powerful charge of magic.

The 4th (Green Hand) hand, when activated, causes a durable shield.

The 5th (Blue Hand) hand releases four tentacles that grasp the enemy.

The 6th (Blue Hand) hand attacks with two circular saws.

The 7th (Purple Hand) hand copies the opponent's attacks.

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The "Teleportation" sub-habit - This sub-habit allows you to instantly move from one place to another.

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The "Monotony" sub-habit - This sub-habit allows you to make one of the called hands with the "Seven Hands" sub-habit 7 times more powerful. However, recharging this sub-skill takes about 6 days.

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The "Manipulation of time and space" sub-habit - This sub-habit allows you to block attacks related to space and time. Also, this skill allows the owner to become immaterial (the so-called state of non-existence) or go into the subspace created by the same skill, where the usual world laws do not apply.

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Special proximity to the elements "Time" and "Space". You can say that they are a part of yourself.



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