
The Reincarnation of Drake Silver

Drake Silver has died. What's Happening? I'm Alive! Drake Silver has reincarnated 8 years into the past and now yearns to dominate the game that dominated every facet of economy and political agenda across the world. Watch as he grows into his newfound power and wealth and grows an empire from nothing! He will make alliances, enemies, and friends along the path to the throne! Welcome to Adella Online! Cover Art by Mr.Opang on Instagram! @m.r._opang_

AniMine · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Real Life Money Moves

Drake woke up from the game, feeling very mentally exhausted despite technically being asleep the whole time. He had just finished grinding out his proficiency in the second test and luckily the third test wouldn't take place till tomorrow. Drake went into his kitchen and greeted his new maid, Sera.

"Good morning, Sera! I got alot done over the last 30 hours, and am in an excellent mood! What have you prepared for this morning's meal?" Drake said to Sera in a cheerful voice.

Sera responded in a flat and respectful voice," Young lord, I have prepared egg and bacon omelets with blueberry scones and the peach tea you said you liked from the Setoria restaurant! Bon Appetit!" Drake smiled and sat and ate his meal, savoring every bite.

When Drake had signed into the Rivera family business as an ally, it came with alot of perks. Drake was allowed to stay in the house he bought since it was close to the headquarters, however he always had some form of security. Whenever he initially asked the pair why they had men following him to the grocery store of all places, they told him that those are secret agents that he was never even meant to know were keeping an eye on his safety and would only step in if the situation was dire. The reason Drake knew he was being followed was because General could sense and alert him to any possible danger and he had quickly realized that people were constantly following Drake.

Drake also got some staff into his huge home, such as Sera the private cook, Leo the butler, and Trinity the personal project manager. The first two are peoples jobs were evident but that last one was a special perk that Loco had thrown in for him, and until now Drake had not really made use of her, letting her do some independent research. He had been working with Eco and was ready to finally set some pieces for his economic empire in the real world.

As he continued eating he said out loud,"Leo? Can you come here?" and without even having to look up the butler was suddenly standing next to him, as if he had always been only a step away.

Leo said politely,"Yes, young lord? What can I do for you today?"

Drake cleaned his mouth off with a rag Sera had made for him and said,"I am going to start putting some plans into action, wake up Trinity and call for The Rivera headquarters to let them know that I plan to make some moves."

Leo's eyes widened in surprise for a moment but before anyone could even notice, his face went back to its perfect state once more. He simply responded politely,"It shall be done, Young lord."

Drake went and got dressed in a full grey and black suit with silver trimmings and silver buttons. He put on his custom built to his feet black leather dress shoes, and slicked back his still silver hair that was getting long to be cut pretty soon. Then Drake could finally get rid of the silver and just go back to having his original black and spiky hairstyle. He walked out of his dressing room, looking very dashing in comparison to his past life, and got in his limo. He waited for 2 minutes before a very flustered looking woman in a female version of the black suit attire came scrambling into the limo.

Drake chuckled and said,"I have given you plenty of time for your personal research, I hope you are ready to work?" The new person in the limo nodded her head fervently, pulling out her personal plasma deck to take notes on the project as drake described it, He handed the driver the coordinates and they set off from his home.

Trinity spoke up and asked Drake tentatively,"Sir, what is the project I will be working on?"

Drake continued smiling as he responded,"First we are going to a land leasing office to buy a bunch of cheap land off to the west of the city, however there are specifics that I wish to discuss with the land owner so I am doing it myself."

Trinity nodded and quickly toyed out her notes, not doubting the authenticity of his words at all. Drake then continued, saying,"The Rivera group has done me a favor with our partnership and I have already begun paying back that partnership with the guild inside of the game, and it will be a few years before we see the explosive growth this early foundation will give us. However, the first project we will work on I will call the 'Silver Fortress'. All of our future elite players that join the guild will live in this area, eat in this area, congregate in this area and most importantly become a true team in the game. They will come to see their fellow teammates in reality and in virtuality, slowly forming and blurring the lines and forming a brotherhood amongst them all!"

Trinity was rapidly noting everything down Drake was saying and adding on her own proper notes on the side as to how to achieve the things being described. Without looking up from her plasma deck, she said,"Any specifics on the first property?"

Drake casually responded while pouring himself a drink,"Yes, make a school, big enough to hold at least 3000 people at once, with specific rooms for training, physical spar matches and combat exercises. Ask Loc- ah, I mean ask Hector's personal trainer about the specifics I might be looking for since Hector has been under his tutelage." Drake took a long sip of the hard liquor in the glass and sighed with pleasure after swallowing it in one gulp. Drake continued, saying,"In this area, it needs to be well fortified so that any potential ground invasion or espionage attack will not work on it. You may put that full sentence in there for future reference as it is VERY important that no one besides authorized personnel enter this facility. With how well we will guard it, people will eventually nickname it a fortress of some kind, so naming it now will give observers the impression we are building it with that one goal in mind and won't notice all the stuff we are building inside of it."

Trinity kept typing but responded as she did so, saying,"Yes sir, this is easy enough, I am estimating a budget of 124 million for the first year and half because of construction costs. This is also helping the guild side with young master Hector. If I may ask, why are you using a big part of your budget on this?"

Drake poured another drink of alcohol for himself and said,"Say you and I fought in the game, you are a very powerful trillionaire with endless resources, meanwhile I am not even a billionaire yet, with much less resources available. You know my real identity, and want to get revenge, so you sent a hitman to where I live, to carry out the deed. However I never die because your assassin cannot get to me, this is the thinking that goes through my mind. Hector's super guild and my insane prestige will attract alot of enemies for us, and when that time comes, I want to be able to play the game with my safety at 100%. Do you understand now?"

Trinity nodded her head as she kept typing, and answered him,"Yes sir, do you have any other Agenda today?"

Drake thought about it for a moment and responded,"Yes, I do. After acquiring the land I need to go and buy a tv channel, a radio channel and make all the subsequent social medias as well. You can have someone else do those tedious things but you need to create 2 separate Identities, which will be run by the same people in your organization, but one will be tied down and one will be free. Whatever Hector decides to name his Guild, make the corresponding social media, he'll need them within the next two months. After that make one called 'AOMMA' which stands for Adella Online Mixed Martial Arts."

Trinity continued nodding and typing everything she was told and almost as soon as she was done with more specific details. Drake and Trinity got out and stepped out in front of a huge building that said,"Gordonya Southern Land Office". Drake smiled and said,"Well now, let's go and grab all that juicy land!"