44 Chapter 43 - Meridion(Part 5)

Wow...gotta say, the architecture of the castle is pretty impressive, it's got this sense of lavish elegance to it.

But I suppose that's hardly important or particularly relevant right now...this tension in the air, there really is something happening. Could it be that group who attacked during that escort mission to Centralis?

Could they have broken through the barrier around the nation?

Unfortunately, I have no idea how impenetrable it's supposed to be, though I imagine it's got a significant level of durability, considering the fact that Meridion has remained isolated for several decades until now.

Along with my party and Estella, the Knights and the escort teams from the other nations were also with us, as the Demon guards led us down a large corridor.

"Are we headed for the throne room?" Inquired Estella, who still looked a bit guarded.


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