"The Reincarnated Genius in a Medieval World" is a light novel about a brilliant physicist named John who suddenly finds himself transported to a backwards, feudal land in the midst of the medieval period. As he struggles to adjust to his new surroundings, John discovers that the land is plagued by disease, poverty, and abuse of power by the ruling lords over the peasants. John realizes that his extensive knowledge and expertise in science and technology could be used to help the people of this world. With his intelligence and wit, he begins to navigate the politics and social structure of the medieval society, while also delving deeper into the mystery of his own reincarnation. As John gains allies and makes enemies, he learns to harness his newfound power and abilities, including his unique talent for using magic that seems to be rooted in his knowledge of physics. With his companions by his side, John embarks on a quest to challenge the corrupt lords, protect the people, and ultimately, find a way back to his own world. Throughout the novel, John struggles with the moral implications of using his knowledge to influence a society so different from his own. He must decide whether to simply observe and document the medieval world or to actively work to change it. As he grapples with these questions, he realizes that his true calling may lie in bridging the gap between the two worlds, and in using his talents to create a brighter future for all.