
The Reincarnated Evil Witch Tries To Avoid The Death Flag

Puttavee, an average office lady was hit by a truck. She has reincarnated into the world of her favorite fantasy novel "Hero of Oldenhelm". Blessed by the death god, she was granted a new life as an evil witch "Medea", the petty villainess who will be executed by the male lead in the original story. "What!? Why do I have to be the doomed villainess!?" "Enjoy your new, fabulous life ^^" - said the mischievous death god. Will she survive the bad endings? "No problem, I'll just avoid this super-handsome male lead until..." "...Why did he wrap his arms around me!?" - The villainess was blushing. "I won't let any man have you" - He whispered to her ear. "Ehh!? What!? What are you doing!?" - She tries to resist but his touch starts to feel good... so dangerously good that her will to resist is quickly waning. As the male lead gently strips the villainess's clothes off, piece by piece, the author wishes you enjoy the rest of the story ^^

BLimsoon_535 · Fantasy
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33 Chs

It Was The Mock Marriage But The Groom Gets Too Serious!?

A week later, Medea fully recovered her health. She sent a letter to inform Sieg about the next ritual requirements.

"The next ritual must be held in the royal church, in the capital city of Oldenhelm, after sunset, I need your help setting up a secret, mock wedding ceremony, the participants will be your Highness, me, and someone you can trust acting as a priest. I would like to ask you to pretend you really love me until the ritual is done. If you cannot bear kissing my lips, you could just hold my hand. Could you please arrange this?"

A few days later, the ritual preparation is done. Sieg and some of his knights escorted Medea and her servants to the capital, riding in a magic carriage.

After they reached the capital city. Medea and her servants temporarily stay in the crown prince's palace. Medea proceeds to the dressing room to have her maids dress her up in the wedding dress.

"I'll send a secret carriage to fetch you to the church before sunset" - Sieg.

In the dressing room.

"Eh? Isn't this dress too thin? I don't have to wear any undergarments either?" - Medea asked the maids.

"The weather is a little hot now, my lady, this wedding dress should keep you cool and perform the ritual comfortably" - Angui the head maid.

"Oh? OK" - Medea. unaware of the maid's secret scheme. She is too focused on the ritual.

Actually, the dress is rigged with Angui's simple magic, she activated it and made the dress become almost transparent, it's more like a seductress's dress now, and Medea was unaware.

A short while before the sun sets.

There is no one inside the royal church, except Sieg(The Groom), Grabus(Acting Priest), and Medea(The Fake Bride), Medea is now waiting outside the room, ready to start the ritual.

Angui the maid, approached Sieg.

"Your Highness, I would like to inform you about Lady Medea's condition" - Angui.

"Her dress is made of light and weak clothes which are easy to get torn. So please be careful, Your Highness, Pardon me." - Angui, bowed and left the room, smiling.

"Pfft" - Grabus, trying not to laugh.

Angui's words are making things worse for Sieg, his imagination is now running wild.

"Are you going to let her marry someone else?", The voice in his head is acting up.

The sun has set. Medea, the fake bride, has entered the room.

"Hey, it started, wanna join?" - Udola, the god of death.

"Absolutely" - Lulina, the goddess of love, has joined the channel, watching eagerly

On top of her supernatural overwhelming beauty, she is dressed in a thin, elegant, bright-colored wedding dress. Her veil is decorated with flowers which augment her alluring figure. She gracefully walked around the room.

Medea starts chanting a spell, her chanting sounds like a lively song for the wedding couple, full of warmth and happiness, Her angelic voice echoes all over the church, Her spell fills the entire room with glimmering magical fireflies. It feels warm and soothing. The glimmering lights reflected on Medea's hair and eyes, she was now sparkling beautifully.

Sieg and Grabus are now in a trance.

But as Medea walked closer to Sieg and Grabus. They noticed something strange about Medea.

Medea's dress is so thin, to the point that it doesn't cover any important body part underneath.

It reveals her otherworldly beauty of skin, cave, mountain peaks, and worse, Medea seems to be focused on the ritual and isn't aware of her dress. 

Sieg couldn't warn Medea now as he would disrupt the ritual. And his dragon starts roaring.

"Grabus, this is bad, cover your eyes now" - Sieg whispered.

Grabus quickly pulled down his hood to cover his eyes, It looked like they were facing a monster worse than Medusa. If any men ever look at Medea now, their dragon could be "petrified" for many, many hours.

Sieg has to keep staring at Medea as if nothing happened. But he is at his limit. This elegant seductress dress is literally revealing everything underneath. He is about to break. His dragon is as hard as a stone, ready to break free. 

"Shit!" - Sieg wasn't so sure if he could control himself any longer, he tries to avoid looking but his dragon refused to calm down.

"Sir Grabus?" - Medea speaks, she already stood by Sieg's side.

"Oh? yeah, let us begin" - Grabus didn't see anything in front of him now but he doesn't need to.

"The goddess of love, Lulina, we gather to celebrate your gift of love, and its presence among us. We rejoice that these two people have chosen, to commit themselves to a life of loving faithfulness to one another."

"Sieg Oldenhelm, do you take Medea as your wife, Will you honor, love comfort, and cherish her from this day forward?"

"I do" - Seig.

"Medea, do you take Sieg as your husband, Will you honor, love comfort, and cherish him from this day forward?"

"I do" - Medea.

"Sieg and Medea, having witnessed your vows for marriage before the Goddess and all who are assembled here, by the authority invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride!" - Grabus

Medea has to focus on completing the ritual now, she is holding Sieg's hands and letting her magic power flow into him. Sieg hates her so he won't kiss her anyway.

Her magical sense indicates another part of the curse was lifted. The ritual is complete.

"Your Highness, Sir Grabus, the ritual was a success" - Medea smiles happily.

"Then I'll take my leave ^^" - Grabus left the room in a hurry.

"Eh? Why is he so hurry?" - Medea.

Medea turned around to speak with Sieg.

"Your Highness, I'll be returning to ...Kya !?"

Sieg lifted her up in a "princess carry" stance then slowly put her down on the carpet, in front of the goddess statue. Then starts tearing off her wedding dress, piece by piece.

It seems like Angui's mischievous scheme worked. On top of her immense charm and having everything that Sieg likes, Medea's transparent dress is too sexy for Sieg, now he can't hold it in anymore.

"That was so evil, a maid sent her mistress right into the lion's mouth? lol" - Udola commented.

"Oh my! In front of my statue o_O?" - Lulina commented.

"There is no escape!! lol" - Udola. grabbing more popcorn.

There is no escape for a poor little witch, Sieg is like a big, muscular beast pinning her down to the soft carpet of the church floor and ripping her dress with its fang.

"Kya !!" - Medea yelled, surprised, as her one and only idol was now tearing her dress apart, trying to get to reveal her "secret" areas.

*Tearing Sound*

"Your Highness !! W-What are you doing!?!?" - Medea. 

*Tearing Sound*

"Sieg !!"

The tearing continues for a short while.

Now Medea's dress is ragged and doesn't cover any of her important body parts. 

Her soft and beautiful mountains and her nicely shaped treasure cave gate are revealed.

Seeing Medea in this ragged state, with a little disheveled hair, blushing, panting, and sweating, Sieg became even more aroused.

"Medea, I won't let any man have you" - Sieg, whispering to her ear.

Medea knows she couldn't hope to resist when Sieg is in this state, He has definitely succumbed to the curse's influence, and Sieg's inhuman strength could snap her neck as easily as snapping a small dried twig.

But it seems he still be able to control his strength, otherwise, she would be crushed to death.

"Medea, you are too beautiful" - Sieg complimented.

Medea is blushing, his compliment always flustered her. Her idol is now staring intensely at her naked body, as she tries desperately to cover her important parts with her small hands. Sieg has already seen everything of her but She is still too shy. 

"Please, don't cover them, I would like to see all of your elegance", Sieg whispered, he gently pulled her hand away from her body, Medea didn't resist anymore but she was still blushing because of his intense gaze.

Both of them have succumbed to their desire and let the hot scene begin.

Sieg decided to launch a 2-way assault for maximum effect. His left hand gently grabbed Medea's right mountain, he starts sucking its peak, and his tongue rubbed around her peak.

At the same time, his right-hand fingers slowly reached the jewel above her cave's gate and gently rubbed the jewel.

The assault was super effective. A gigantic wave of pleasure swept through Medea's body.

"Sieg!! Kya!! Arhnnnnnnnnn!! ...Arhnnnnnnnnn" - Medea let out her loud and sweet moaning voice, echoing all over the church. It sounds like an angel has been singing. 

"My God, ... I hope Miss Medea is OK" - Grabus is standing guard outside, feeling awkward. 

Sieg sats up and looks at his fake bride, She seems to have lost all her strength, lying flat on the carpet, blushing, panting, in her ragged wedding dress, revealing most of her important parts, her mountains seem to be a little hardened and her cave is all flooded with her nectar, a little of the nectar also oozing out of the cave.

"Sieg..." - Medea, looking at Sieg with pleading eyes.

Sieg knows she wants him to finish it. They don't have much time because this church is a public space, he wouldn't want rumors about a holy knight commander bringing a witch into this holy place and performing "the ritual" with her.

With no time to waste, he zipped down his pants, letting out his giant dragon. It is ready to attack.

Sieg slowly thrusts his dragon into her cave, Medea's cave is now squeezing around the dragon tightly, he needs to be careful not to go too fast, or she will be injured by the dragon's oversized head.

"Umh, Anh... Anhh" - Medea, she sounds pleased.

 The dragon finally reached the deepest part of her cave. The "Mana Synchronization" effect has kicked in, and both of them are now feeling like strolling around the Heaven Gate.

"Medea, I'm going to move it now" - Sieg.

"A..Um" - Medea nodded.

The chaotic moment has begun. The moving, The cries of ecstasy.

Waves of pleasure swept through both of their body, over and over.

Some time has passed.

Medea has reached her limit first. 

"Sieg!!!!" - Medea cried out loud, her whole body twitched, and her cave squeezed Sieg's dragon violently.

The Synchronized Climax effect pulled Sieg up to the climax too.

"Ahhh!!" - Sieg's dragon ejaculated loads of hot holy waters into the cave.

Sieg took a brief moment to rest beside Medea. The effect feels so great and now his body is feeling very light and comfortable.

Medea is worn out and unable to walk by herself. She fell asleep immediately due to exhaustion.

Sieg pulls out his handkerchief and gently cleans her messed-up cave flooded with his holy water. He still has plenty of his monstrous stamina for many more rounds but Medea is spent, and they have to return now. 

Sieg averted his eyes away from her cave, trying to calm down, and pulled himself together.

"Shit! Just a brief look at her body and I'm all excited again" - Sieg slapped his face to regain his senses.

Sieg slowly wrapped Medea in his large overcoat, lifted her up, and carried her to his carriage.

They headed back to the Crown Prince's Palace.