
The Reincarnated Evil Witch Tries To Avoid The Death Flag

Puttavee, an average office lady was hit by a truck. She has reincarnated into the world of her favorite fantasy novel "Hero of Oldenhelm". Blessed by the death god, she was granted a new life as an evil witch "Medea", the petty villainess who will be executed by the male lead in the original story. "What!? Why do I have to be the doomed villainess!?" "Enjoy your new, fabulous life ^^" - said the mischievous death god. Will she survive the bad endings? "No problem, I'll just avoid this super-handsome male lead until..." "...Why did he wrap his arms around me!?" - The villainess was blushing. "I won't let any man have you" - He whispered to her ear. "Ehh!? What!? What are you doing!?" - She tries to resist but his touch starts to feel good... so dangerously good that her will to resist is quickly waning. As the male lead gently strips the villainess's clothes off, piece by piece, the author wishes you enjoy the rest of the story ^^

BLimsoon_535 · Fantasy
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33 Chs

[Alternate Route] Curse of The Evil Goddess

***Author's note: chapters that have the [Alternate Route] prefix are the special branched route that had a slightly changed storyline and endings.***

The villager in the village nearby has discovered the ancient temple of an unknown goddess. It seems to be related to dark magic. There seem to be no traps or monsters inside. There is also a secret vault inside the temple, full of treasure but the villager does not dare to touch them. They reported it to the church.

The church sent an investigator team consisting of some agents, including the saintess, Ariel Portia. To investigate this temple

The team has done their investigation but didn't get much information because the knowledge about dark magic was lost to them. The saintess, with her childish and greedy habit, secretly stole one of the treasures. 

Kolulu, the evil goddess of polygamy was angry. "How dare you steal my precious, I'll curse you!!"

A few days later the saintess is having a mild strange fever. The unknown runes appeared on her arm, 

but there were known letters that appeared too. It reads "Sieg Oldenhelm" and "Medea, The Child of Udola".The black rune slowly spreads over time, it seems to head toward her heart. No one at the church knew how to lift this curse, holy magic didn't work. They immediately informed the holy knight commander, secretly, since it was their only clue.

"Good thing we knew one of the dark magic experts, things would get ugly if the current saintess dies from the curse" - Sieg

Sieg and the knight secretly escort the saintess to Medea's house. Sieg and Grabus explained the situation to Medea."The saintess already confessed to the knights and we have returned the stolen relic to the vault, but it doesn't work" - Sieg explained.

"There goes my peaceful days in this world ^^;" - Medea is sweating.

"It's very, very rare that the Evil Goddess of Polygamy, Kolulu curses anyone with this high-severity curse. Unless she really pissed off" - Medea.

"But when she does... It could be very destructive, we'll lose the saintess if we don't lift the curse in time" - Medea.

"Do you know how to lift it?" - Sieg.

"Yes... I know just one way..." - Medea, according to the books she read."First, we should seal the temple's access so no one could disturb the private goddess's room"Medea halted and started blushing a little.

The room went silent, awkwardly silent.

"Medea? What's the matter?" - Sieg."I suppose you know about 'The Harem Magic Contract'. You, her, and I must sign the contract""Then the three of us hop on the bed and perform the ritual to lift the curse, synchronously, until the goddess is satisfied" - Medea explained, feeling awkward.

"Sieg, you probably knew how the rest goes..." - Medea is embarrassed, blushing, covering her face with both hands.

"Grabus, bring the knights there and seal the temple access, now" - Sieg, facepalmed, his love life was going to get messy now.

Grabus accepted the order and left the house in a hurry. "This Goddess is so very very very much evil !! now he is gonna have 2 brides at the same wedding ^^!!" - Grabus.

According to Sieg's info. The saintess Ariel is a fine, cute young lady with a little bit of holy magic power. She has blonde hair and emerald-glowing eyes. She was an orphan who was adopted by the church and currently working for them. But she was a bit spoiled and sometimes childish. Sieg doesn't like her mischievous behaviors so he ignores her.

In the original story, the saint's hidden powers will awake shortly after she falls in love with Sieg, but it seems she has not awakened her true power yet. So she was like a contracted idol in a modern entertainment company, I suppose" - Medea thought.

After Medea and Sieg signed the contract. They headed upstairs to where the saintess was resting.

The saintess Ariel lay down on Medea's bed, in her bedroom. She has a slight fever. the black curse marks are on her left arm. Sieg and Medea entered the bedroom and sat on the bed.

"Saintess Ariel, this is Medea, my... trusted partner. She agreed to help you" - Sieg.

"R-Really? Will you really help me!? I'm so scared! I don't wanna die T-T" - Ariel hugs Medea tightly with teary eyes.

"Don't worry, Ariel, I'll do my best to guide you through the purification ritual, you will be safe" - Medea gave her consolidation, and patted her head.

"Just promise me that you won't do bad things like stealing again, OK?" - Medea gently patting Ariel's head.

"Yes! Big sister Medea! Ariel will be a good girl from now on ><" - Ariel likes my head patting too much? Medea thought.< p>

Ariel has calmed down, Medea put the Magic Harem Contract to Ariel's hand and gave her a brief explanation.

"And we did... what!?" - Ariel is embarrassed but she is encouraged by Medea and finally agrees to sign the contract when Medea gives her the signal.

It's better than death anyway. besides, she doesn't seem to hate Sieg and Medea that much.

"I don't think the original route is here anymore, it goes straight to the harem route -_-" - Medea mumbled, but it's no turning back now.

"But let's just save Ariel first, I don't know what will happen to this world if the female protagonist dies" - Medea. 

It's time to begin the purification ritual.

The three of them sit on Medea's large bed.

"O The Great Kolulu, The ancient one who reigns upon polygamy, please answer my plea" - Medea starts chanting with her angelic voice."Us three seek your forgiveness and lifting the death curse on Ariel Portia, In return, we shall enter the harem contract for 4 years" - Medea

The new curse letters on Ariel's arm appear and glow in blue light, It reads, "Terms accepted, the curse is temporarily halted, you may proceed".

Ariel signed the contract, she is now the new member of the family.

Medea proceeded to the next step.

"We have fulfilled the first part of the terms, the next ritual will be held in the backyard"

"The sun will set within 2 hours, you guys may wait around and meet me at the pond, after sunset"