
Chapter 01: A New Life, A New Start

The year was 1453, and the Middle Ages were ending, the Turks took Constantinople, and then they killed all the magical creatures in All Europe, to make sure that day was the beginning of a new era;

All the Orcs, Elves, Centaurs, Dwarves, Goblins, Trolls, Ogres and the rest were all killed by the Turks, very few magical creatures took refuge outside Europe to flee the Turks;

Alvin the Wood-Elf, was one of that refugees, he went by boat to South America, days passed, until he saw a beach, he immediately got out when he arrived at the beach, he collected coconuts and fruits to eat if he got hungry, he started to get wood to make a fire, until he hears footsteps coming from the forest, but he ignores it;

After a few hours, it gets dark, at night he starts to get scared of the sounds coming from the forest, but he was already working on building his hut, after he finished, he made the bed and used the sheets and pillows he brought along with his boat, after he had finished everything, he went to sleep;

That night he had nightmares about evil spirits from that forest near the beach, the first night on the beach it was hard for him to sleep, in the morning he woke up fine, even though he was tormented by the nightmares of evil spirits from that forest near the beach;

In the morning, he went hunting for fishes with his spear in the water of the beach, it was a successful catch, he had his breakfast in the morning eating the fishes that he hunted himself, until he heard the footsteps coming from the forest again, he got tired of it and decided to go to the forest after having breakfast;

He prepared his equipment, with his bow and arrow, along with his spear, he went to investigate the steps coming from the forest, to end his fear and nightmare.

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