
Chapter 2: New life

Opening her eyes, the first thing Sasori saw was a blurred image.

After a few minutes, he realized that his environment was very big. He was surrounded by wooden bars and the ceiling was very high.

Finally looking at his body he could see that his hands were tiny and that it was not the world that had grown, but he who had shrunk. It might take some time to realize that it was a reincarnation, presumably as a one-year-old baby.

After this realization someone entered the room, then took him in these arms. It was a young maid who came to look after him.

Maid: Sasori it's time to eat. She said affectionately

He was astonished that he is kept the same name as in his old life, was it chance or is called destiny. It was not something that bothered him anyway.

Fortunately, he did not have to experience the humiliation of being fed at home, only at the bottle. As he examined his room, he could see that it was not the same style of decoration as in the elementary countries. For the moment, he deduced that he was in a country very far from these.

He now had to wait to grow to be able to confirm his hypothesis and be able to use his art again. It was not easy for him, who was sorely lacking in patience.

Several years later.

Sasori was now 5 years old. He had finally confirmed that he was no longer in the elemental nations and that he was in a new world.

He was born into a noble family but was treated separately because he was a bastard son. His father was a senior army officer in the Empire. He was one of the Capital's garrison commanders, earning him an important position. Having this post, it was someone who had easily yielded to the corruption and enjoyments of life.

Sasori was not his first illegitimate child but he kept him in the family home because it was his mistress's son preferring. Even after his death during his delivery, he decided to keep him because of his affection for her.

Sasori did not feel anything about his family's behavior towards him. Since he realized that his parents had died in his first life he had cut his emotions to others.

At least living in a noble family allowed him to have access to an extensive library, giving him the necessary information about this world. First, he learned that he was born in the year 1002 of the imperial calendar. The Empire is a superpower that has lasted for over 1000 years and has vast territories and vast resources. Its capital is enormous, covering about 200 000 km2 and is surrounded on all sides by a huge wall. The different districts of the capital are separated by large canals crossed by merchant ships. Beyond the capital, the country seems to be predominantly rural with an unknown number of towns and villages spread. Three other countries border the Empire to the north, south and west, while the eastern limit of the Empire is the coastline of a large ocean. The Empire was often in conflict with its neighbors, causing it to have a strong military presence.

The recent history of the Empire is mainly marked by decline. This is largely due to the rise of the current Prime Minister, who cares only for his own pleasure. His time has been marked by increased government corruption, economic recession, public order erosion, endemic poverty and widespread public discontent. For Sasori it was proof that Chaos was going to invade this world and that the possibilities were unlimited.

What amazed Sasori is that people in this world did not use chakra or any other energy. The most powerful weapons they had available were the Teigus. It was a subject he was passionate about, asking if these weapons would always work if they turned their owners into his works of art. Normally, a person could control only one Teigu but with this method he could use several. It would be the same way he kept the kekkei genkai of his victims that he transformed into a puppet.

Thanks to his years of experience in the field he was able to activate his chakra at the age of 4, even if it was in limited quantities. He could have activated it earlier but it would have caused him side effects that would have caused him long-term internal injury. At least he could still create chakra threads and he could one day show the superiority of his art to the face of the world. For that he had to experiment on the Teigus.

The Teigu were created on the instructions of the First Emperor, who feared that the Empire he had founded would eventually be destroyed. To avoid this, he has collected many materials and engaged many scientists around the world to make weapons and powerful defenses. The creation of Teigu is the result of their efforts. There were 48 Teigu in all, but nearly half of them were lost during a civil war about five centuries before the beginning of the story. Several Teigus were seen to be destroyed; we do not know how many of the 48 originals remain. Over time, many other Teigus have been created but their exact number is unknown.

Many Teigu were created from the remains of Danger Beasts who possessed unique powers, endowing the equipment with special abilities. Many weapons and Teigu armor were forged from a rare metal called Orichalcum. Teigu are not limited to a capacity; some are known to have secret powers that remain to be discovered, and others have lost powers for history.

But these weapons existed in limited quantities and if he wanted to hold one he had to either steal one, or get it on meritorious service. As the son of a military officer, the last option would be the easiest in his situation.

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