
Find the truth ( part 2 )

" OK it's done, " Jamal said after they finished chaining the five men " as we decided, we shall go to them one by one. It must be much easier ". Natasha nodded and stayed back while Jamal was killing the first guy. After he pulled out his knife, he stepped back to wait for the awakening beside Natasha.

Seconds later the corpse started to shake, with the same procedure as before it stood up. Dark veins rose from the man's chest to his chin, his skin started to turn white and his eyes changed to the eyes of a real dead body.

The only difference from before was that Jamal didn't wait for the dead man to attack first. With incredible speed, he moved forward him, cut his throat in a single swing, and moved aside to let Natasha finish him.

With a single jump, she arrived just in front of the man. Natasha knew that he was far to be completely dead, though he had his head overturned on his back because of Jamal's knife deep strike and dark blood was leaping out through his neck like a geyser.

She held tighter her knife focusing on her foe, but most importantly, on her special ability trying to remember the feeling that sensation of supreme power and less than two seconds later flames appeared as if they just gushed out from the blade of her weapon. The more flames they were, the longer the knife was growing until it changed into a long Japanese fine sword.

As she was too close and her speed was far greater than the undead's, it couldn't react on time, and so in a single swing of her katana, she cut him off, separating the higher part of his body from his lower part. The two body pieces fell on the floor and changed back to the normal state as the dark blood was leaking out and evaporating at once after it touched the ground.

They reproduced the same scene with the second criminal, after Natasha finished him she turned to Jamal with a smile " it's quite easy though. I don't know why we were stressing so much ".

Jamal smiled too as he replied, " don't drop your guard, you have to stay careful it's far to be finished ".

He stabbed the third guy and, as if to prove him right, the guy got a weird reaction. When he stood up and finished to transform, he moved his head and seemed to look at Natasha then at her katana. And after that, he made something which stunned them. Before Jamal had the time to attack him, he jumped back on the two left guys who were tied unconscious, and in a quick move, he put his hands around their necks, grabbed hardly, and broke them.

It was so astonishing and unpredictable that even Jamal couldn't react, he stood there completely immobile and saw the two guys who just got their necks broken standing up to join their murderer.

" Does it still look easy for you? " Jamal asked Natasha while keeping a close eye on the enemies in front of him.

"..." the woman couldn't find any word to reply. The day before they had to fight with two of these monsters and they badly struggled to take them down, at the actual moment they were three opposing them, what would be even harder.

[Oh well, it's not like I didn't know from the beginning that it would turn into a desperate situation] Jamal shrugged.

Jamal started to carefully observe his foes to deduce their next move [hmm, the murderer placed himself behind the two new awakens, seems like he will not fight us directly... he seems to want to observe us]. Natasha stepped forward trying to attack when he quickly raised his arm to stop her. " What do you think you are doing? ".

" Yes I know, I remember you taught me that in unusual situations we should observe before reacting, but I have a plan " she paused to observe the three undead, " you will distract the two guys while I will defeat the dude behind them. I have a feeling that he would be the most dangerous " Natasha frowned " I don't know but it's like he is... "

" Smarter than the others " Jamal completed her phrase, " it's precisely why I propose to capture him instead of anyone else. Don't forget the priority of this mission. Matteo may get more data if we catch that one ".

Natasha nodded " It seemed like he was afraid of my sword so he will surely act carefully and send the two guys to kill me ".

" I would rather say that he will send them to test you to know how strong you are and how you use to fight " Jamal rectified her supposition, " he will first try to get all the information he needs before he comes to finish you personally ".

" I have another plan," Natasha told him, " come close I will tell it to you at your ear ".

Jamal obeyed, approached her and inclined his head to hear her out while still being careful about the undead, and then straightened up after she finished, however, he didn't look very convinced by what she proposed, " I don't think it's a good idea. Look, I think it would be better if I give the plan instead, give me one minute to think about it and then- "

But Natasha didn't wait to hear his suggestion, not even the end of his phrase. Instead, with the extremity of the handle of her katana, she hit hardly Jamal's lower part and he fell on the ground while slowly succumbing to the pain, she ran forward toward the three guys. As they had guessed the smartest one moved back while the two others went toward Natasha, who didn't hesitate to face them.

For a quite long while, she was between them fighting them on at the same time. One could say she was as strong and ferocious as a lioness, with her sword she cut off arm after arm, leg after leg until they were completely unable to fight anymore. She had quickly eliminated one by beheading before she turned to finish the second one, however, it was at that precise moment the smartest undead decided to take action.

He suddenly appeared behind her from nowhere so discreet and fast that Natasha didn't even sense him before that. She recognized that even though she was owning some incredible reflexes she would have live unable to dodge his blow as he was too close from her and it was like he deliberately chose to place himself on her blind spot.

He raised his hand and according to the way he formed his hand as well as the shape of the movement, he was intending to break her neck in a quick move as he did before with the two guys.

As the hand of the undead was reaching Natasha's neck, a heavy thick chain came wrapping around his neck tightly, he didn't have the time to finish his attack that Jamal pulled furiously on the chain and made him crash onto the ground at a few meters from his feet. He accompanied his move by planting his knife on the arm he wanted to use to strangle Natasha, the latter jumped very high and landed heavily on his knees making them break. She, then, rapidly cut off his two arms by starting with the free one.

" You see... in the end... it was a great plan, wasn't it? " she sighed, after she made sure the undead couldn't move anymore, " alive and completely captured, Matteo can do his job without any fear ".

Jamal bowed as he replied " I'm still convinced that I could have found a better plan " he frowned and groaned painfully " seriously crushing my balls was really necessary? ".

Natasha blushed, she was very embarrassed, she intended to pat his back to try to diminish the pain but stopped her hand in midway as she didn't dare to touch him, " Oh excuse me, I'm truly sorry, I just wanted to make it more realistic. It was not my intention to hurt your pe- " she stopped herself by covering her mouth with her hand. She stepped back and tried to think of a way to flee that awkward situation, " anyway I must go calling Matteo, " she ran toward the gate of the factory.

" I should have stayed at home. I woke up very early just to sit beside that gate for more than 4 hours " Matteo said to Natasha when she appeared beside him. " You don't think you exaggerate a little too much? " Natasha replied while pulling him in the factory.

When they reached Jamal's position, Matteo immediately noticed the corpses laying on the ground. He suddenly stopped impossible to move forward for a short moment as he was a little bit worried and it didn't take long before his worries changed into fear when he saw what he thought being a corpse moving.

Jamal figured out it what he was thinking by only looking at the expression on his face, with a sign of the head he silently told Natasha to calm and cheer him and she immediately understood and slowly moved behind him, she put her hands on his shoulders and with a low voice, she tried to reassure him as much as she could.

" Does this scene remind you of what you saw on your vision? ", [what I'm am saying, it will not comfort him in anyways] she told after she realized too late what she just said. However, it seemed like in the end she achieved to calm him a little bit as he started to talk " Yeah it looks like they are pretty similar ", as he was slowly moving forward Jamal asked, " Would you be able to obtain an answer from him? ".

The boy shook his head " I told you before that I didn't have such powers like reading in people's mind and even if I could I don't how to proceed ".

Though what he said could seem quite disappointing, Jamal was as optimistic as even and still didn't give up. " Come closer," he told him while extending his hand towards him, " I know it's scaring you but you have to stand it ".

Matteo silently stared at him and it looked like his words had their effects in his head, he tightened his fists and went closer until he reached Jamal and sat beside him, " good " the man encouraged him, " you said you could feel abnormalities, right? " Matteo nodded, though he yet didn't know what he was intending to ask him, " now, I want you to focus on this feeling you're sensing from this dead guy, OK? "

He nodded and closed his eyes to concentrate. Unconsciously, he slowly raised his hands and approached them to the two sides of the corpse, as if he was looking for something. Suddenly, the dark veins of the dead man started to disappear or rather leave his body. They ran up to his head, soon covered his entire face, and later on, an odd dark smoke started to come out from his nose, his ears, his mouth, and even from his eyes. That dark smoke slowly raised un the air until it formed an odd cloud-like shape just before Matteo's face.

Both Jamal and Natasha were stunned by the spectacle which was happening before their eyes. Natasha wanted to comment about it but Jamal stopped her as she might disturb Matteo's concentration. They stayed quiet while the dark cloud continued to grow while keeping changing its form every 30seconds. At a moment, Natasha almost convinced herself that she saw into that dark fog what it seemed to be an attraction park as it was turning in every direction.

A while later, it stopped to change its forms, it moved closer toward Matteo and started to surround him. As the process was going on Natasha was feeling anxious, she looked at Jamal and her eyes seemed to tell him in a muted language " shouldn't we go to help him? " she seemed to ask him. However, in Jamal's eyes we could only see his determination, as he badly wanted to know what was waiting for them soon he decided to fully believe in Matteo and his abilities, so even though his mind was shouting to himself to interfere rapidly his heart stayed stronger and convinced his body to step out.

The dark cloud completely recovered Matteo and it remained like that for quite a short time before they started to see some reactions. His body started shaking, and he suddenly screamed very loudly.

[Oh shit, what is going on?] after Jamal said that to himself, the dark cloud was moving out from Matteo's body. The smoke raised high in the air and disappeared and as the dark smoke was leaving his body, his screams diminished the intensity. When the last slightest part of dark smoke left his body Matteo directly fell unconsciously.

Both Jamal and Natasha ran to come to see how he was " He's breathing, fortunately, " Natasha observed with a sigh of relief.

" He must be exhausted from all the previous efforts. Take him to your home, I will finish the work of today and come to your place later, feel free to rest and even take a shower, It must take a long time. I would also ask Lina to tell the others that today is off, no training. " Jamal told Natasha.

Natasha nodded, lifted Matteo, carried him on her arms, and left the factory while Jamal was gathering the corpses or rather the pieces of bodies to burn them at one time. Once he finished, he went out, closed the factory, and jumped on his motorbike.

He rode to his girlfriend's house and found her while she was leaving.

" What happened sexy boy? " she said when she saw him.

" I would want you to do me a favor " he responded with a gasping voice.

Next chapter