

You could hear her blue stiletto clattering in the hallway as she steps into the room. From afar you will think that her head is burning because of her rust colored hair emphasized by her royal blue pant suit. Islets looks stunning and brimming with confidence.

The wait was long but here she is now at the other side of the door. She walks in with a smile on her face. No trace of fear she initially has when her hand grips the cold knob of the door on the left side of her interview room.

The doors open into a simple room. An old man sits at the end of the room besides a huge double door. His head is hung and his face covered by a hat. He looks like he is sleeping but as soon as she made a step he lifted his head and raised his hands. At first she didn't realized what he wanted then she remember the letter and the silver badge she found placed on her desk.

She give it to him but he did not took it. His sunken eyes just stared at her for a moment before waving his hand signaling she can enter.

On the other side of the door is a long white hallway. There are several doors in both sides and all are missing their knobs. Every door has a gold knocker in a shape of clover, diamond and spade.

At the end of the hallway is a dome painted with the day and night sky. As much as she is facinated by the painting Islets smells people coming and decide to resume to her agenda.

There are five paths connected to the dome. Block 2 is the path opposite to where she came from.

As if they were on break the number of people walking into the dome increased. Their scent is not good nor bad but as the people in the dome increase so is the scent. She continues to walk passing several people quite number of them who followed her. Fussing over her hair.

Was it really an unsual color?

Islets could feel several eyes drilling a hole on her head. She always gets the same treatment when she didn't dye her hair brown. Even her guardian wanted it to be brown so bad because he said it will attract unwanted attention. He asked Salome to look for a way that will make her hair stay any color except red. She did but to no avail found a dye that will stay on her hair. It wash away after three days and they have to dye her hair again. She didn't care much. But now that she is no longer in that house she feels more free when it's red.

Someone from the crowd gasp when she reached Block 2. She fight the urge to look back to find who it was and why they are so surprised. Now she is convinced that they are all looking at her. The scent is too thick and its making her feel stuffy. She moved on, found a door at the end of the Block 2 Hall.

This door too has no knobs only a door knocker in shape of a heart. She was about to knock when she heared loud voices inside.

"From 0 to B?" the man scoffed.

"Yes. Her recruit was really good on his first assignment. He hunted fourteen Spades who escaped two weeks ago."

"Really?" Another curious one joined.

"I heared no one is even unscathed."

"Is that even possible? Spades are notoriously violent. How did he capture one without even hurting them?" He laughed , " Or maybe he was the one who got really injured."

"There was nothing. Not even a wrinkle on his clothes. That is how good of a hunter he is said the Evaluator. "


"What is his name?"

"Alice White." A thin good looking man with spectacles appeared before her. He didn't use the door knocker he just pushed it gently with his pale hands. His long white hair and his eyes are red the same as Alice White's. "Isn't that the name of your new recruit? Ms. Islets Caroline?"

Ah this person smells like baby powder. So calming, Islets thought. Though not as calming as Al-

"Yes. That's my name. " The smell of freshly washed clothes basked in sunlight enters her nostrils. For a second she wanted to be swept by that smell then reality hits when his face appeared before her. He was so close to her face that she has to push him away. "Nice to see you aga-" Islets sprayed him with a perfume that smells like coffee she bought online two days ago.

Somone inside the room laughed. "So this is the rumoured couple!" said the person with a very husky voice. Al wipes his face with a handkerchief unfazed by what just happened.

The guy who keeps on laughing finally recovered wipes his tears. "It's good that they don't get along."

"You two are being rude." The girl with glasses stands up and bows at them, "My name is Arin Mauzen, these two are Merrick Zanger and Lace Fallings. I am a recruiter like you and Lace is my recruit. We are glad to have someone like you in this project-"


"You are also being rude to me Arin." The man with white long hair entered the room. His scent changed into a dangerously sweet rose. Islets instinctively took a step back. She hits Alice White who was standing behind her. His scent and the coffee mixed so well that she didn't feel overwhelmed by his scent. She sighed with relief that it is working.

He urged Islets and Alice to enter the conference room as well. He didn't asked Islets to sit in one of the empty chairs but she did anyway. Alice did not and stayed on the side. He went in the middle and put the chart he has been holding in the table. The room became silent. Arin anxiously wait for him to speak again. "Since I am the one managing this project I get to tell the juicy details to the new recruit right Arin?"

"Yes. I understand."

"Well, where is Sergione?"

"He ditched because you were late." It was Merrick, his eyes are sharp as the man with the long hair. They were looking at each other as if they are talking in their minds. It was Merrick who gave up and took out his phone. "He's here. Come now." He tossed his phone in the table and said, "He'll be here."

"Good." His scent changed back to the powder scent. Islets couldn't believe his scent change so fast just like his mood. She composed herself clutching the spray on her hand. "Now Ms. Caroline. I forgot to introduce myself, I am Hansellot Gringham. Your trainer for this project."

"Project? What project?" Islets asked since all of them know about it already.

"Every year new recruiters passed the test. All the new recruiter will have to be trained to be a head hunter. Their new recruit depending on the skill will provide assistance during the hunt. This year project is to hunt for the Red Hearts. This year we only have two recruiters who passed the test so I will be joining the team with my recruits."

"Wait...wait a minute! I think you got it wrong."

"What is it Ms. Caroline?"

"You got it wrong. I mean, I am not a new recruiter. I have been working for five years in The Company. I've hired countless of staff with good qualities I-"



"All of your recruits are dead Ms. Caroline." Hansellot sighed. "For five years all of your recruits died on their test. Even the excellent ones. I don't even know why they let you stay for five years. But Alice here got you a permanent ticket." Hansellot fixed his glasses. "Let me clear this to you Islet Caroline, as of today you are no longer a contract employee. You are now a regular recuiter."

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