1 Condition

"Ugh....mom, dad, brother, sister this is all my fault..my love fault. But I still don't believe that I am wrong. My way was wrong but revenge was justice but still *laugh* God doesn't done any justice" thought Ying Yue.

Suddenly a voice broke her train of thoughts.

"Don't worry God is not unfair. God will not do any injustice and I have send to attend you."

"Hi my name is system and you are the one chosen by God. He promised to not do any injustice, so He will not do any injustice. He will help you in your revenge, love and life but also this will come in a payment." said system.

Hearing all these really shocked Ying Yue. She felt like she was in a dream where a system talked.

''Is it all true?" asked Ying Yue. ''yeah it is all true. So do you promise that you will accept any condition and we will help you in your revenge".

Hearing all this bring tears in eyes of Ying Yue. With a determined and firmed voice, she spoke '' yes".

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