
Gerben vs Leopold

The teen, named Gerben, ran towards the teacher who stayed still in place. His movements were not rash and it was almost as if he was a statue.

Gerben gritted his teeth as he approached the large teacher and he swung his gauntlet-equipped fist ahead with ferocity. The attack showed not only his skill but his physical prowess. However, the teacher easily swerved right out of the way of the swing and, additionally, he used his metal staff to divert the path of the attack so there was no way that he could actually land his attack anyway.

Feeling this significant force from the diversion, Gerben was skilful and he switched his strategy to, instead, aim another punch straight for the man's head. Again, just before the attack could land, Mr Maximilian lifted the rear end of his spear to divert this attack too.

Both movements looked like simple taps to the crowd bit for Gerben himself, he felt like his entire body was being forcefully swerved in different directions.

"How is he doing that with a damn staff?!" Gerben thought to himself.

"If you think you can hit a soldier of 25 years of battle experience by just running ahead blindly, then you are sadly mistaken." Leopold claimed, swivelling his staff powerfully.

His spinning created distinct waves of air and it was quite loud, even making Gerben cover his eyes with his forearm.

Once he stopped again, Gerben pounced and Leopold was quick to notice this. He lifted his staff and swung down with only a fraction of his power. However, it was a complete blur to all of the students in the class. This time, Gerben managed to slip to the side of the incoming attack, leaving Gerben ready for his next attack. Since his arms were stretched outward, his general abdominal area was open too. Once his gauntlet was shot straight at his oblique area, he retracted one arm to completely block the area from attack.

To Gerben, it looked almost instant and before he knew it, he merely punched him on his arm. His arm felt like a rock, even with the fortified gauntlet across his fist. The punch shook his entire body and also made him quite concerned about the previous choice he made in trying to fight this guy.

Desperate to just land one attack, he threw further up and since he was already tall himself, he was able to get up to such heights with relative ease. However, his attack was still too slow and Leopold utilised his trusty old staff to parry the attack without even getting hit.

Suddenly, he switched his stance and he did so in quite a fluid and swift manner. Once he switched to this stance, some people in the crowd were quick to decipher what this was.

"Leopold Maximilian's Offensive stance. He's going to attack now." A student explained, making Brandyn and the other students look quite shocked.

As Gerben stood still in place, Leopold lifted off his previously planted feet and went directly into an attack. While pulling back his staff, Gerben prepared to use his gauntlets to try and block or parry any of the incoming attacks. Looking at Mr Maximilian's size, he smartly deduced that the attacks that he'd dish out would be lethal if it caught him in the right place. This is the case even with the fact that he is holding back.


His staff came into close contact with Gerben and landed right on his forearm, causing a sharp and bothersome pain to arise at the point of impact.

In retaliation, Gerben tried to throw out a quick jab but even with one of the fastest attacks in his arsenal, it wasn't enough to connect. It simply landed on Leopold's upright staff, which barely shook upon tanking the force of the strike.



"Alright. I'll use my ability now." Gerben said, clenching his fists to show off his large, powerful muscles.

Even with the fat he possessed, his bicep vein was quite visible across both of his arms.

"So you've been holding back too. What's your ability?" Mr Maximilian asked, not even moving his body at all.

"My dynasty have several variants of pretty much the same ability. Firstly, our muscles are denser and we can also put on quite a bit more muscle than the average person. Finally, our actual ability is that we can increase the muscular output of our bodies, but it also increases our rage and makes us lose control if we use too much of our power."

"Hmm. That seems like quite the ability. How come you aren't in a higher set?"

"I can't use much amplification at all before I completely lose control. That's pretty much how it is for the majority of my dynasty so we're at F-Rank." He explained.

"Oh well. You're gonna have to show me this so-called power of yours." He said with a slightly more excited tone, awaiting the boy's showcasing of his ability.

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