
A Selfie by the forest

On Monday morning Nia kissed her mom and grandma, said her goodbye to the rest before sliding into the driving seat. Slowly disappearing from the sight her home and the lovely scenario of the town soon changed to the familiar yet indifferent ones of the road ahead with the houses, low hills and paddy fields extended to the edge of the mountains on either side of it.

The cool air entered the car through the open window, blowing back the hair that she wore loose. Nia had this habit of keeping the window open while driving. She enjoyed the breeze playing with her hair or touching the face. This morning the black clouds hung low in the sky, giving a gloomy appearance to the vast panorama of endless green fields that stretched out to the horizon.

The distant mountains were covered in hazy mists, their tops almost touching the clouds. It was going to rain soon. She would not close the window even if it rained. The moisture filled breeze coming through the window caressed her face and the uncovered shoulders. She was wearing a pastel purple sleeveless shirt with faded blue Jeans. There were photochromic lenses protecting the eyes, due to the blowing in of the fast wind.

The slaty sky and the spreading haze in the weather uplifted her spirit. She loved rain, and cloudy, hazy weather. Nia connected the phone to the car stereo and played the music. She started humming the song 'Beautiful People' by Ed Sheeran and Khalid, that was played on the stereo. A feeling of serenity and light heartedness cuddled her.

On the way Nia's eyes caught the sight of a forest of Pride of India trees in full bloom. It looked like the forest was engulfed in a violet fire. She stopped the car on the side of the road. It was still early in the morning. She still had a lot of time to reach the city and arrive at the college without being late. A light drizzle started falling but she did not mind getting a little wet in that rain.

Enjoying the cool, rain filled breeze Nia stood on the side of the road, gazing at the sight of violet beauty in front of her. Suddenly she thought of taking a selfie with the flowering trees at the backdrop. She was not exactly a selfie person. She would rather gaze at the scene around her than click photos to post in social media.

But now at this moment she for unknown reason could not resist the temptation. The violet flowers beckoned her to take a photo with them. After taking the selfie, leaning against the car she posted it on her facebook profile with a caption. Her lips curved into a slight smile imagining the reaction of Rhianna and other friends. They would definitely be shocked.

As she stood admiring the scene before her, tiny drops of rain adorned her brown hair. If it were night they would have sparkled in the light of the passing cars. Nia wanted to hang on a little longer to watch the flowers but she had to reach the city in time, change her clothes at the apartment, then go to the college. The feeling at having to leave the place reminded her of Robert Frost's famous poem, 'Stopping by Woods on a snowy evening'. She was experiencing the similar emotions.

She was about to start the engine when a car stopped right in front of her Renault Duster. It was a black Hyundai Tucson. Nia was riled up inside at the audacity of the driver of that SUV. At the same time she was alarmed a little. There was not any sign of human habitation as far as the eye could see.

'What could be the purpose of the people in the SUV to stop right before mine, as if blocking it from leaving? Whoever is inside, can't possibly be stopping to admire the flowers like me?' She remembered, curiosity killed the cat, still tried to see the people in that SUV.

She quickly start the car, ready to fly or fight. The back door of the Tucson opened and a tall person lazily came out. He turned to face Nia, sitting at the wheel with the aggressive scowl of a warrior woman on the face. He smiled impudently and winked. Nia's mouth opened in a wide O. She looked far from her cool, sophisticated self.

"Hi Princess, close your mouth. You look as if you are ready to kiss." Mark Adam said with a suggestive laugh.

Nia started the engine and backed her SUV, then stepped on the gas. Her car lurched forward, she saw Mark jump to the side of the road in horror. She stopped the SUV right behind his Tucson and roared with laughter in the most unladylike way. Before slowly backing her SUV again, then driving away she told him in a mocking tone,

"How I wish it were your prized Lamborghini."

"Princess wait, Princess, you are mad, vicious." Nia heard Mark shouting at her.

Mark Adam looked at the speeding away white SUV, till it disappeared from his sight. He shook his head and smiled happily. 'Crazy woman.' He murmured. He loved all the surprising sides of this woman.

It was still half way to the city when the rain started falling from a light drizzle to a heavy torrent. All over the landscape the sky cast a spell of grey gloom. On both sides of the road there were vast tract of agricultural land spread up to the mountains near the horizon. The vast panorama of dull green in that mist of heavy rain was soothing to the eyes.

Everything looked peaceful under the slaty sky. A sense of calmness spread out over her. In contrast to the dreary weather Nia felt light hearted. To her the weather was not dreary. It was dreamy and sweet. She unplugged her phone from the car stereo and switched on the radio for music. The sweet melody singing about rain floated out of the radio and curled around her soul. There was not even a trace of Mark Adam in Nia's mind.


Back at the college stuff room she did not see Rhianna. Nia wondered if her friend was running late today. 'Did Rhianna hang out with Nicholas till late hour last night?' She remembered her friend telling last week about going out to club with Nicholas.

She did not have much time to ponder on the reason of Rhianna running late. The bell for the first class rang and Nia went to the class. Her teaching career allowed her time to involve in other activities that needed her attention. Besides Nia loved teaching and hated the hectic working hours of the corporate world, though she still worked as a consultant for a company.

Because she refused to be a regular employee doing a full time job, the company heads settled for a contract with her, whereby she was allowed to work from home. It wanted one of the best consultant in the country to work for it by any means. Her work needed to assess the proposals and deals and the estimated profit or loss related to them. This work required Nia to travel occasionally to the company head office in Mumbai.

Rhianna was sitting in the stuff room when Nia returned after taking two classes. She walked up to Rhianna's chair and sat beside her. Rhianna looked at her and asked when she returned from home.

"This morning and she had a surprise for us." Ayesha Umar replied with a laugh before Nia opened her mouth. Ayesha's eyes were gleaming with amusement.

Nia understood that it was her photo post on facebook that Ayesha was referring to. A still oblivious Rhianna's gaze wondered from Ayesha's face to Nia's, who wore a slight scowl on it. She was definitely in the dark about Nia's impulsive act in the morning.

"Am I missing out something?" Rhianna asked, raising a beautifully arched brow.

"Yeah, because you were busy last night making out with Nicholas till late hours and catching up on your beauty sleep in the morning." Ayesha broke into laughter looking at Rhianna.

Now it was time for Rhianna to scowl. Nia smiled with amusement. So her friend was being mushy and intimate with her fiance last night.

"It cannot be exactly called making out. We just kiss and cuddle." Rhianna replied. "We've decided to postpone those things till we're married."

"Ha ha ha...okay, okay." Both Nia and Ayesha said almost at the same time.

"My dear girls, there's nothing wrong in making out. And sex is a healthy and pleasant exercise, can be very therapeutic." Maya Seth spiced up the conversation with a mischievous grin on her face.

The three unmarried women looked around the stuff common room with embarrassed and cautious look to see if there were any male colleagues. Maya Seth noticed that and laughed,

"What's there to be embarrassed about? These things are basic human instincts. Sex can be like arts; beautiful, innovative, can be experimented and of course, a pleasurable experience. No shame about something basic and beautiful."

"Yeah, now tell me what was the fun that I missed in the morning." Rhianna asked Ayesha, trying to veer away from the catastrophe the outspoken Maya Seth was aiming at. The scowl on her face was replaced by the anticipation of entertainment. She was in full gossip girl mode, night black eyes dancing with interest.

"Go to your facebook page hun. I guess you had too tight a schedule this morning. I'm surprised, you couldn't make it to the facebook in the morning." Ayesha was having a great time at their expenses and she still had a grin on her face.

Nia said nothing. Rhianna glared at Ayesha and then took out the phone from her bag. She quickly went to her facebook page and checked out the notifications. She had this wide grin on her face and Nia knew that her bestie was looking at her photo with the violet forest at the backdrop.

"Oh my god!" Rhianna laughed merrily, almost clapping her hands though she restrained herself from making a big sound. "Our girl received more than five hundred likes since posting this photo in the morning. Nia, you should post more often. See how popular you are despite your inactivity."

Nia now regretted posting the photo. She hated to be the center of attention even in the online world. Before the classes ended before the recess, she had heard 'nice photo Nia' or 'nice click ma'am' from both colleagues and students. She had always preferred to lead a low key life, especially since the death of her grandfather.

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