
Moments of mischief and Marvels

As we journeyed closer to the capital, the silence between us grew comfortable, punctuated only by the occasional clatter of the carriage wheels. I noticed it was much less chaotic when we made a considerable distance from King Aethelric's castle. My thoughts ran wild, replaying many things from the past. Perhaps I was a little homesick. Then I heard Riya's voice.

"Ever had one of those moments back home," she began, breaking the silence, "where everything that could go wrong did, but somehow it turned out to be one of your best memories?"

I chuckled, turning away from the window. "Actually, yes. There was this one time I was working on a device designed to assist in agricultural harvests. It was supposed to differentiate between ripe and unripe fruits and pick them accordingly."

Riya raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "And? What happened?"

"It worked perfectly during the tests. But on its first proper field day, it started flinging the ripe fruits everywhere except the collection bin. I'm talking about apples catapulting across the farm, hitting barns, trees, even a confused cow."

Riya laughed, the sound clear and genuine. "A cow? Please tell me someone got that on video."

I grinned, joining in the laughter. "Oh, they did. Became a bit of a legend in my hometown. 'Volkner's Apple Chaos' they called it. My parents still bring it up every time I mention my work."

"That's hilarious! And here I thought engineers were all serious and no play." Riya shook her head, still smiling. "Okay, your turn to ask me."

"Alright, have you ever had a training exercise go unexpectedly sideways?"

"Oh, definitely. There was a stealth tracking exercise where I had to evade capture from dawn till dusk in the forest. I had everything planned out perfectly—routes, hiding spots, the works. Except, I hadn't accounted for the local wildlife. Halfway through, I stumbled upon a nesting ground for some very protective birds. Ended up spending hours up a tree, trying to avoid their dive-bombing."

I would burst into laughter, picturing Riya, the skilled and formidable knight, perched in a tree evading angry birds. "So, what, were you more of a birdwatcher than a warrior that day?"

"Very funny," she retorted with mock indignation, but couldn't help but smile at the absurdity of her predicament. "But yes, for a few hours, I was one with the birds. I learned two things that day: always account for nature's unpredictability, and bird droppings are not my camouflage of choice."

Their laughter filled the carriage, a moment of genuine connection fostered by shared tales of mishaps and miscalculations. Volkner's laughter faded into a curious tilt of his head. "Wait, you have video recording here? In a world filled with magic and medieval vibes?"

Riya nodded, her smile turning into a grin at his surprise. "Oh, yes. You see, not everything in Rugiet Fulgur is swords and sorcery. We have our share of technological advancements, thanks to the heroes from Alopexia."

"Alopexia?" Volkner echoed, intrigued. "That's the nation known for its technological leaps, right? Brought forth by another hero summoned before me?"

"Exactly," Riya confirmed. "The hero from Alopexia introduced several innovations, including video recording. It's not widespread yet, but it's quite the marvel in documenting important events... and the occasional mishap," she added with a wink.

My mind raced, intrigued by the fusion of magic and technology in this new world. "That's fascinating. My world had integrated technology with daily life in ways I couldn't have imagined as a kid. To think I'd find something familiar here..."

"It's one of the many surprises this world holds," Riya Said, her voice softening. "And who knows? Maybe you'll be the one to bring about the next wave of innovation here. 'Volkner's Apple Chaos' could just be the start."

He chuckled at the thought, the earlier moment of humor blending seamlessly with the potential of future contributions he could bring to this world. "I'll aim for a slightly more controlled chaos next time. But first, I need to master not being surprised by birds or video cameras."

Riya laughed, the sound bright and genuine. "One step at a time, Volkner. One step at a time."

Their shared laughter and stories not only broke the monotony of the journey but also bridged the gap between their worlds, fostering a camaraderie that was sure to strengthen with each passing mile.

As they continued their journey, Volkner and Riya shared more laughter and stories. Each passing mile seemed to strengthen the camaraderie between them, bridging the gap between their worlds. They discovered a shared love for adventure and a desire to make a mark on the world.

I couldn't help but feel inspired by Riya's words. The idea of bringing about the next wave of innovation intrigued me. Imagining the possibilities of creating something that could change the world, just like Volkner's Apple Chaos. The thought made me chuckle, realizing that my journey of innovation had only just begun.

"Oh, Volkner. We should arrive at the capital tomorrow. The other heroes are sure to have a slight advantage because of our lateness."

"That's good. I can only have so much fun sitting in a carriage."

I could see her mock indignation again. "Are you saying I am no fun?"

"Of course not. I just would like to have something other than sit around inside a carriage."

"Careful, that academy will give you more than enough things to do. Let's just enjoy this peace for a little while longer."

I couldn't say anything at this point. I nearly forgotten what we're doing. That realization just made me miss home more.

Here's an additional free chapter that didn't have so much thought put into it. Something to break the tension of everything so far. I really hope this isn't too out of place, just something to know more about the two.

Tsukimoricreators' thoughts
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