14 A Guest Who Isn't A Werewolf

The Alpha sat on his throne, looking as indifferent as he has ever been, he tapped his long, slender fingers on the chair and stared at nothing in particular.

Although his face was a blank sheet of paper, his mind was roaming with thoughts of a certain female Vampire. He now regretted leaving without telling her or at least dropping a note.

When he woke up to get ready, she was sound asleep. The way the wind blew her red locks and her serene breaths filled the room didn't let him dare make a sound to wake her up so he left as silently as he could.

But the moment he stepped out of the tower, his heart have been longing to go back to her side.

He looked at the time and wondered if she was awake and looking for him, he wondered if she would missed him at all from the short departure.

Xavier never truly understood her, from the first look, he thinks she has feelings for him but on another look, he realized he is just wrong.

The confusing and afflicting emotions coming out from his Vampire sometimes gave him a headache. He wished he knew how she felt about him so he would know what to do with her.

Either to fight the world for her or let her go.

But he wasn't so sure about the latter.

If she was a werewolf, she would have felt his emotions and knew straight away that his heart yearns for her but she, being a vampire is another story entirely.

"Great Alpha, the Merchant from South-Western Pack has arrived" a voice announced behind the door.

He let out another heavy sigh and ordered for the doors to open and it was opened immediately.

Three men stepped in the royal room with a exquisite looking cart being pulled behind them by another.

The Alpha raised his eyebrows without saying a word, the rest of the men seemed alright but the man who appears to be leading them seemed a bit off.

He couldn't truly pinpoint why or how but he didn't feel anything for the man, not positive and not exactly negative.

When he sniffed the air, the scent wafting from the man was overwhelming, he could smell him as a werewolf but he didn't really feel like one.

He concluded the man must be a newly converted werewolf and moved his gaze to the carriage his sister sent for him.

Ever since Luna Lietta let her Pack to lead another neighbouring Pack, she never failed to send goods to her only brother annually or more. The goods consist of clothes, perfumes, luxurious marbles which were the Alpha's favourite and his preferred dishes made by her.

Before she left, she promised that even though she wouldn't be able to visit every year, she will always send down goods for him and she has never failed to keep her promise.

This was the only time of the year that Xavier was anticipating and eager to come quickly so he could open the gifts from his sister. Although he would never admit it out loud, he missed his baby sister more than he thought he would.

Of course, he was happy for her that she finally became the type of Luna she yearned to be but still, her presence was deeply missed by everyone who knew her and her sassy little mouth.

After their parents died, the siblings had no other family but each other, they vowed to protect, love and trust each other no matter what till the end of their lives.

When Xavier became the successor of the throne, Lietta was more than happy for him, she was by his side through every obstacle in this journey to being the most powerful Alpha.

Because of the love and support she gave her brother, she became the first female Beta to ever rule alongside an Alpha in history. But during a visit to the South-Western Pack with her brother, she was opportune to find her mate, Alpha Greze.

Although she was at first reluctant to accept the proposal of Greze because of she would have to leave her brother all alone, Xavier convinced and persuaded her to go and start a new life with her one and only love.

It has been almost a century since she left, yet the clothes and other things she sent occasionally for him was enough to remind him she was safe and happy and that was suffice for him.

"Where is Orldo?" Xavier asked for the loyal merchant of his sister who has always been the one to deliver his goods safely to the Pack.

"Greetings, Great Alpha. I am afraid Sir Orldo has come down with a severe cold so the Luna asked me to deliver your goods instead" the suspicious looking man answered with his head bowed.

"OK, I wish him a safe recovery. My servant here will show you where to drop the goods and your rooms for the few days you will be resting until you embark on another journey" he called a servant and ordered him to show their guests the way to their rooms.

"Thank you, Great Alpha" The suspicious looking man said.

And as they were about to leave, the Alpha called the man back.

"Yes, My Alpha"

"What is your name?" he asked with a blank expression but the suspicious vibes were flowing out of him.

"Namere, my name is Namere" he answered.

"Dismissed" the Alpha waved his hand and Namere left the room not before giving Xavier a look which went unnoticed by him because his mind had already wandered to a certain Vampire.


"The Grand Council and Chiefs are here to see you, Great Alpha"

At the announcement of the voice, the alpha stopped signing the paper and the ink dropped to stain the spot he was supposed to leave his signature.

"When will I ever get a break?" he muttered under his breath as he held his head which he believed was about to explode.

"Let them in" He sighed as the doors were opened and seven grimly old looking men stepped in to sit on their assigned chairs.

The North-Eastern Pack Grand Council and Chiefs comprises seven weathly old men whom their generations has been a part of the Council since the earth ever existed and will continue to pass their positions down to their future generations till the end of the world.

The eldest and most affluent one is Chief Keef, he is the great grand uncle of the Alpha and one of the most stubborn werewolf to ever exist. He believes only his opinion is correct and completely disregards other people's opinion.

The next in line is the right-hand man and loyal dog of Chief Keef, Assistant Chief Fleir, he doesn't have an opinion of his own and agrees to anything Old Chief Keef says, whether right or wrong.

Chief Lake is the rival of Chief Keef, he is also distantly related to Xavier. He opposes anything that comes out of the mouth of Chief Keef because of an old grudge between them.

Chief Jaune is the peacemaker and the most calm chief amongst them all. He hates noises and fights and will always try his best to stop it although his attempts so far has been futile.

Chief Flouren is the birdbrain of them all, his position was passed down to him not because of his competence but because his family felt he had nothing better to do so they dumped him in the Council. His opinions are always ignored during any meeting.

Chief Luckard is, well let us say a very kind and naive chief, he is the one that always supports and backs up the alpha in anything he says or do. Although he isn't related to him, he loves him just like a son.

The silent and invisible one is Chief Kelm, nobody knows if he is mute or deaf because they have never heard him said a word in any meeting except the rare nods he gives when he is remotely in a bad mood.

The Chiefs sat on their chairs and all stared at the Alpha before Chief Keef finally broke the silence.

Whatever was about to come out from his uncle's mouth, he knew it was bound to give him a headache so he rested his head on the chair and waited for the old man to spew whatever rubbish he has to say so he could get the heck of out this hellhole.

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