

Zero staired at the "Sponsors" names, finding two out of the five already wanted to sponsor him. 'There already Sponsors? Window, how many sponsors can I have?'


Host's can have as many sponsors as they would like, however Host can only pick one sponsor per night.

Zero seemed confused by that, as he already had two sponsors that he could pick, and three more that were interested. 'If you can have multiple sponsors, then couldn't you instantly rule with overwhelming strength?' Zero had a feeling that that wasn't right, so he tried to think about it about it, when he suddenly figured what it was. 'Window, How to sponsors feel about other sponsored participants?'


Sponsored Hosts have a history of battling between each other.

Zero figured that was the case. 'That means even though you can take as many sponsors as you would like, in reality all possible sponsors will leave once you choose another one.' Zero hesitated for a moment before closing the sponsor window. 'I'd rather have as many choices as possible before I choose. Plus, the man in white said not to work under people. Window, what is the price for choosing a sponsor?'


The price is decided between the sponsor and the Host.

Zero sighed before willing all of the windows closed. 'if I allow more sponsors and then pick one before I die, I'll be able to check multiple different sponsors benefits.' Zero liked the idea, however it would mean the price of his ultimate would rise to an extremally high amount. With the thought of his ultimate in mind, he looked over at the wondering Shade. It's shape was nearly complete, although it was still nearly completely see through.

'Window, What comes after a shade?'



Zero looked at the single word answer with confusion. 'Rebirth? But which soul would take over?' He waited for a response, but none came, instead, he received a window saying the healing process had been completed. When Zero looked around and found no-one in the immediate area, he stood from his indent in the wall. Without wasting time, he quickly walked up to the Shade and touched it before walking away.

Zero received a window, however he wasn't going to look at it for the moment as he had seen the souls explode into hundreds of semi glowing souls before chasing him. Zero abandoned any sense of stealth and simply booked it into the forest, trying to get away from the area as quick as possible. There was a loud crack that echoed behind him, causing Zero to curse to himself before he started moving faster.

Zero knew it was risky to run through the trees, as the moonlight wasn't bright, made worse by the tree's canopy causing the forest floor to only have slivers of light. 'I wouldn't be able to see in the dark would I?' When Zero didn't feel his eyes start to burn and his vision become brighter, he rolled his eyes. 'I figured not.' Just as he thought it, Zero's shoulder slammed into a tree, throwing him off balance and causing him to go rolling. Zero started grumbling to himself when he suddenly heard the sound of a twig snapping from Infront of him.

Zero froze in place before trying to reach for his gun on his thigh, only to find it wasn't there. In that moment, Zero knew he would kill the group without remorse. "Byuck?" Zero heard something that didn't sound like English, and he instantly knew it was another creature. Zero held his breath as he lifted his right hand, prepared to cast Seeker Beam once he saw a target. Zero stayed in his position for more then five minutes and still nothing happened. 'Did they leav-.'

Zero's thoughts were cut off when a pain shot through the back of his thigh. "!" Zero looked back, finding a bleeding wound in his pants. 'How did I get hurt?!'


The Host has been stabbed with a blunted knife.

Zero grunted at the windows sudden appearance as he quickly stood and started running parallel with the zoo's direction. "BYUCK!" "BYUCK!" "BYUCK!" "BYUCK!" The first to speak came from behind him, however as soon as it did, more then 11 different voices sounded out from all directions. 'They surrounded me!' Zero's left thigh, which had been the one stabbed started to burn before the muscles started to spasm.

'Window! What's wrong with my leg?!'


Host's left thigh has been infected by poison. Due to the poison, the Host's thigh muscles will spasm out of control.

Just as he read what his thigh would do, his entire leg suddenly gave out. Zero preformed a horrible version of a role before using his single working leg to continue hopping forward. 'Window, heal the poison.'


Due to the Host being in combat, the ability to use souls to heal has been restricted unless in the case of a life or death situation.

Zero staired at the window in shock as he rapidly hopped forwards. 'Are you kidding me? But it allowed me to heal before when I was in combat, what changed?'


The first day has passed, and there for the benefits have passed as well.

Zero was pulled out of reading the window as he was suddenly stabbed in the left arm. Zero quickly looked down at the weapon sticking in his arm, only to suddenly get yanked backwards as the dagger like weapon was yanked out of his arm. 'Its connected to a chain? Its a long range weapon!' Zero wasn't worried about it at the moment as it didn't say it was harmful poison and the arm was rather useless to begin with as it was already broken.

As Zero ran, he decided to get out of the forest, as he didn't want to use his remaining fingers on his right hand. Zero turned 90 degrees to the left before he started sprinting. The screaming started to get louder the farther he pushed towards the zoo's wall, causing him to to pick up his speed even more.

Zero found that when his leg spasmed, it would lock in the straight position for quite some time. This allowed him to do a stiff legged jog.

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