
Mall (3)

Zero stood from were he had been sitting for the past hour, stretching out before looking at his group members. Each one was watching his hands as though they were a weapon about to go, and he realized they were watching him as a whole in that way. 'They are scared of me, even when I saved their lives.' Zero rolled his eyes before walking past the three and through the 4th floor door.

Zero's nose was instantly met with the strongest copper smell he had ever smelt in his life. Zero forced his eyes open to find the entire car part was covered in red blood, and strewn around the area was large parts of what he could only guess was human remains. Zero steeled himself before dropping his two pinkies, ready to manifest whips if he needed. The group of four made it another 20 feet before they noticed the first non human creature. There, standing on the bridge that lead to the mall was what Zero could only describe as a smaller version of the creature from outside.

Without a second of hesitation, Zero thew his left hand out, a whip shooting out as he did. The end of the whip intercepted the tongue that was shooting out towards the four, cutting the tongue in half before reaching the creature itself and slicing it in half as well. Zero relaxed as he watched the creature fall to the floor motionless before souls came flying out of its body, only to create a good looking Shade. 'So even this small one has killed over 400 humans.'

Zero was about to take a step forward when he noticed Linda take it first. Zero's hand twitched as they locked eyes. "What do you think you are doing?" Linda's steps faltered before she started tripping over her own words. Once again she was saved as Josh interjected. "Protocol states we split the souls between the group members, that way if some of us die, the rest an take the ones they have back." Zero staired at the three for a long moment before shaking his head and he continuing his walk towards the shade.

There was the distinct clicking of a pistol being cocked. Zero stopped moving and spoke. "You can try it, However I suggest making the first one count, because you won't get another chance." Zero once more started walking forward before reaching out and making contact with the Shade. Zero turned to see a nervous Josh still holding the pistol up, Linda was looking between the smart man and him, and the smart man was simply staring at him. When no-one decided to make a move, Zero rolled his eyes and turned before walking onto the enclosed bridge.

Zero reached the doors that led into the mall, the glass all broken. With his finger down and ready to be used, Zero stepped through the broken door and looked around. When nothing was evidently wrong, Zero turned to his right to look at the first store. It was a build a cub workhouse. Zero continued to walk down the hall, finding the store he had been looking for. "Zero! We came for food! Why are you going to pensers?" Zero rolled his eyes once more at there attempt to whisper, which would pass for yelling.

Zero ignored the question as he quickly made his way to the backpack section, finding there was still racks of them with different designs on all of them. Zero reached up and grabbed all of the bags before filling half of them with different items ranging from belts, all the way to sex products. As Zero filled the bags, Zero caught a glimpse of the three looking at him with curiosity. Linda, as if knowing what to say to annoy Zero, spoke out. "Why are you grabbing those toys... Are you gay?"

Zero's left hand dropped the packaged toy he had been holding before it started twitching. Taking a deep breath, Zero reached back down and grabbed the toy before shoving it into the backpack. As Zero shoved the backpacks full, he asked the Window something. 'Window, do you have an inventory or something I can put stuff into?'


<Lowest Grade Subspace-234513 souls>

Zero scoffed at the price before he zipped the bag and stood, grabbing the six other bags he had filled and moving towards the broken doors they had arrived through. Once he dropped the bags off at the left of the door, he moved back into the room and packed the other seven bags into one before putting it on his back and walking out of the store and continuing down the hall. After Zero had went into five different stores and filled bags, taken more bags, and then filled those, Zero had already created a pile on the ground that consisted of over 20 backpacks.

'Window, can you take items out of the shop?'


Local Shop must hold an item for <24> hours before the Host can reclaim the item for a small fee of <1000> souls.

Zero's plan to use the Local Shop as an inventory became less plausible as he would already have to pay 20,000 souls simply to get the bags he currently had out. Deciding to worry about that later on, Zero continued to completely clear stores of things he thought he needed to take. The three that had decided to simply stay next to the large stack of bags were watching him unload his 40th bag full of items. "The food court as well as the grocery stores are mostly on level two, meaning we have to drop two whole levels."

Three looked Zero up and down before looking at each other, causing him to roll his eyes again. "Yes I changed my outfit. No I won't wait for you to do the same. Now lets focus on more important matters." Zero had changed into black cargo pants, and a black t-shirt with a black hoodie on as well. He had also filled two of the larger backpacks with multiple pairs of the same outfit. Although he had clothes in other bags, Zero was quite fond of the entire black outfit.

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