


A wager has been started between two Hosts.


Host 2's Sponsor has seconded the creation of the event, and has come to watch. Due to Host 1 not having a Sponsor, they have approved the creation of the event themselves.


The event has been decided as a battle to the death, or until one of them surrenders. The collateral for both parties is all of there souls.

Zero looked at Henry, who was looking in the air. Zero instantly noticed his confidence had faltered. "There is no escaping this anymore. Your Sponsor has accepted the wager, and there for you must go through with it. Henry's Sponsor, what will happen if Henry doesn't go through with this wager?" There was no response on Zero's end, however Henry turned white while vigorously nodding.


Any Host's currently near this event will be allowed to bet on the outcome of the battle. The result of the event is final and there are no refunds.


The events participants have <60> minutes to find an area to battle and confirm that they are ready. If the participants do not confirm in <60> minutes, the participants as well as their respective Sponsor will be penalized.


Outside bets once placed are final. a percent of outside bets will be given to the winner of the Event.

Zero's focus was drawn to a countdown that appeared at the top of his vision. Zero looked down at Henry, who was still looking in the air. "Let us go to the basketball court. That way, you can 'assess my value'." Zero turned on his heal and started walking out of the room, not at all worried he would get attacked from the back.

Zero arrived in the basketball court with 53 minutes still remaining on the timer. Henry was right behind him the entire way down before standing on the opposite side of the court from Zero. "I'll be taking those 13 hundred souls!" Henry raised his hand, only to stop when Zero spoke. "We have to both ready up for the battle to start. And any dolt would know that the longer we wait to start it, the more bets will be made, and in turn the more the winner gets."

A small amount of gold dust appeared on his palm, only to pause in mid air before going back into his hands. 'Looks like Henry isn't a complete idiot.' As the time ticked down, the bleachers started filling up with multiple people. 'This group looks to be larger then I had originally thought.' From a rough count, Zero noticed there was more then 50 people, and 15 of them were watching the air.

As the timer reached two minutes left, Zero spoke to the Window. 'Place your bets on me Window, this is going to be over rather quickly. I'm ready.' A large Window appeared between the two, it doubling as a barrier between Henry and Zero.


Both parties have readied themselves, the battle will commence in <10> seconds. Betting will be closed when the timer reaches <5> seconds.

Zero watched the large Window start its countdown from 10. Two of the channels on his left hand had healed themselves, so he had a total of 8 fingers. Zero looked at the leader with a questioning gaze, and smiled as she gave him a confident nod. Zero then located Tyler, finding he was sitting right next to Henry and was looking in the air, half his outstretched hand gone.


3. 2. 1. Let the battle commence.

The Window disappeared and Zero watched as gold dust exploded out of Henry's hands, completely covering their views of each other for a small moment. As the gold dust formed into the barrier from before, Zero used each of his pinky fingers to materialize two identical whips. Without giving Henry a second to think, Zero threw his hands out, the whips slamming into the barrier before it could even move an inch.

The two whips cracked against the barrier, large spiderwebbed cracks instantly appearing from the impacts. Zero didn't even stop to think before he spun on the spot and thew his hands out once more. The left whip slammed into the barrier, the golden wall exploding into dust before falling to the ground. The right whip passed through the dust before the end made contact with Henry's left shoulder.

As the whip made contact with Henry's shoulder, it sliced right through. The area around them went completely silent for a moment, before Henry started screaming. The right whip disappeared and Zero threw out his left hand, the whip following his intended trajectory. The whip reached Henry's throat, only instead of cutting it off, it instead wrapped around it. The whip went taught in Zero's hand, however he didn't move, instead he was waiting.

Henry's eyes finally locked with Zero's, and a flood of pure joy washed over Zero. Henry opened his mouth, and that's when Zero struck. Zero yanked his hand downward, repeating what he had done to the girl. Henry's face slammed into the wooden ground with an audible crunch before Zero yanked the whip back, Henry's body sliding across the court until it was five feet away from were Zero was standing.

Henrys body laid motionless at Zero's feet. Zero walked up the the limp body on the ground before stopping to the right of his head. He lifted his left foot, bringing it down with force. Zero stopped his foot inches away from the back of Henry's skull when a Window appeared Infront of him.


The Sponsor wishes to forfeit the match in his Host's place. The match will continue if you decline his request. would you like to accept or decline the Sponsors request?

(Accept) (Decline)

"I want something in return. " Zero heard someone shout for him to continue, however Zero payed the mans voice no heed.


<Unbreakable Shield> would like to offer the Host <Lowest Grade Muscle Upgrade> <Lowest Grade Mana Channel Cultivation Manual> <Low Grade Mana Channel Upgrade> . Would the Host like to accept the offer?

(Yes) (No)

Zero clicked yes to the offers before accepting his forfeit. Zero reached into the Window and grabbed the three tokens in his hand before pulling it out and shoving them into his left hoodie pocket. Multiple Windows appeared Infront of Zero, one in particular making him smile in satisfaction.

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