3 the cycle continues (end of volume 1)

Warlin began to carve the wood into... well, a spear. He was exact in every detail and knew what he wanted to make so he had no trouble carving the thin trunk of the tree into a sturdy and actually reliable spear. He was pleased with the final product, a golden spear with a perfectly carved and sharpened spear head. He was unsatisfied with waiting the rest of the beautiful tree, so he took some vines and the rather large three foot long river snake he killed earlier before he thought of how a normal person would try and skin the snake properly.

He decided to start with cutting the head off, then he cut with his knife down its belly and removed its intestines and then proceeded to tear off the skin from top to bottom, witch worked out perfectly in the end and he was also able to save most of the snake meat from doing it carefully and rather slowly. He took some of the twine, leaves, and branches from the tree that would be too brittle for what he wanted to do next and placed it near the fallen trees stump and stuck the snake meat on a stick and jabbed it into the ground so nothing would notice it yet. He stretched the skin on the trunk and held it in place with some wooden nails he made after figuring out what would be the best solution to keeping the skin in place.

He proceeded to make a bow by getting one of the more thicker pieces of the trunk and carving it down into a short bow and he proceeded to carve niches in both ends of the bow and tied the thin and rather rubbery blueish green vines he untangled from the top of the tree he fell earlier and made sure it wouldn't fall apart. He pulled back lightly on the vine draw string, and continued to do so until he was confident that it wouldn't snap like a twig in any dangerous situation and left it at that. He made five arrows out of the rest of the tree and proceeded to try and look around for anything he could find to try and ignite the overly built up fire pit to begin to cook the snake like thing he killed earlier.

After about two minutes, Warlin ran into another monster. He had his spear and the bow now with arrows attached onto the front of it by a wood clip he carved and attached to the left side of the bow so he could see how much arrows he had left. He readied his spear an the beast charged him, its horns and scales glistened as the rotting lizard like thing charged him. Its eyes were clouded over and it had a weird looking clump of mushrooms growing on the top of its head.

"Whoa! Can you not?" Warlin mumbled aloud as the beast pushed him to the side and tried to charge him again. He stuck out his spear and the raving mad decaying lizard thing impaired itself head on and continued to push itself into the spear before it could no longer move. And as it perished, the mushrooms on its head began to shrivel up and decay, one by one.

"How is your subject doing?" The female cloaked figure asked, hiding her ax behind her back and crossing her fingers as she approached him. "At least be honest with your intent, ax lunatic..." he trailed off as she butted in, "so? You do it too, dagger maniac!"

She seemed more bothered today, so he just flung one of his manny daggers above her head and shooed her away from his observation room. He slumped down in his seat the moment she left, a little too relaxed if you ask me. "That woman... she is too erratic to be... oops! Almost revealed a spoiler for the audience." He waved his hand and his favorite wine glass appeared in his hand before filling with a different kind of wine. He took a sip of it and stares at the reader for a moment before looking back at his experiment.

"He seems far to adept, doesn't he?" He paused, waiting for a response from the audience before continuing. "Yeah... *sip* he is weird, is he not?" Paused for dramatic effect and continued "That is why I selected him. But he is not enough!" He paused and looked directly at the readers perspective, now a indomitable confidence gleamed in his eyes before he took off his hood and stood up. His hypnotic gaze and perfectly smooth face allures anyone who looks and draws them closer into their screens, just the mere thought sends them deeper and deeper into thought, putting them right into the position he wanted all along. He reached his hand through the screen and proceeded to drag a random person that was reading this deeper and deeper into the screen, twisting and contorting them the deeper they went until they were nothing but a mindless beast like monster that looked like a contorted half bird and half bat like thing that drooled as it slept.

He just dragged another one into his world.

"Shh..! Don't wake up. I still need to put you back together."
