
Ellie Oceans and the unknown chamber

Chapter One

An unexpected complaint on a normal day

It was a brilliant and sunny day. It was Monday, in August, so apparently, every one of Elmwood was either hurrying off to work or school. Elmwood is a small residential area of Canister Ville. The well-reputed school of Canister Ville was Canister High, which resided in Melville, just past Elmwood. Melville was the area for educational institutions, hospitals, and big establishments. So, most people were heading that way, only 15 minutes on foot. Canister Ville was a moderately large area, so there was a separate ministry for it. One of the executives in the department of prevention of unauthorized acts and crime control was Edward Winslet. His four kids were in Canister High of Melville, and their mother was Sophie Winslet, an art teacher at Lisbourne Academy, another prominent school of Canister Ville. It was 8.30 in the morning. The Winslet kids were having breakfast, while their mother pours juice into their glasses. She loves making bizarre juices with an exceptional combination of fruits. Sometimes it's delicious, most of the time it's thoroughly...undrinkable. Today's juice was a composite of apple and mango. So, of course, the moment the kids took a sip, they yanked it away and grimaced. It was 'undrinkable', so they decided to continue with the sandwich breakfast. The eldest twins, Aiden and Will were whispering amongst themselves, which probably made their mom suspicious. 'New invention?' She inquired coldly. The twins shook their heads vigorously. Aiden and Will are pretty famous for all kinds of mischiefs and wacky inventions. The inventions are presumably meant for what they say "just fun", but sometimes they get too carried away, and...cause danger. Everyone loves their pranks, which are usually out of rules, of course, and that's why it's so disliked by their mother. She would confiscate all of Aiden-Will's dangerous-looking gadgets, which makes Aiden and Will afraid of her. Nevertheless, under their mother's threatening glare, they had to admit, "Come on, mom... It's just for harmless fun--" "It wasn't much 'harmless' when Tyler Woods had to go to the hospital, was it?" said their mother dangerously. Then she gave a small sigh and said, "Too bad you can't use your invention to save--" She broke off suddenly and seemed furious with herself as if she had blabbered too much. She had. "What is it, mom?" asked Eliana, youngest of the four siblings, concernedly. She refused to tell, of course, but because of the continuous forcing of her children, she roared, "OK, FINE! A very valuable locket of Principle Eleanor, remember? Of Lisbourne? was stolen from her office yesterday. It wasn't anything special, not to any of us, anyway, but was a family heirloom of Eleanor. There was a secret about it, that only a few of the closest associates of her, including me, knew. That small locket was kind of like a bank for her, she used to store her cash in it--" "What?" "I know, Tim, that's not possible, but we've seen proof--" "So they thought you stole it, isn't it?" Ellie's remark was followed by her twin brothers "Did you tell dad yet?" "Well, no. He is pretty busy with his job--" "So they fired you?" burst out Will. "No, not yet, anyhow. They are keeping me on probation, just until they find proof--" "That's so unfair. How could they think you would steal it?" Ricky's point was followed by more fiery outbursts from the other kids. Their mom might be a little overprotective at times, but no one could ever accuse her of stealing. She is the most honest person they know. when mom fired up, "I would like to believe they have perfect evidence to suspect me, but yet not enough for blame. And I appreciate you standing up to me, but I won't allow that as an excuse for disrupting your studies. It's already 8.43, so quick, get up, now!" But when none of her children showed any sign of listening to her, she roared, "I SAID GO! RIGHT NOW!"