
Chapter 32: On the way

The dip in the road made the carriage jump and scrape from leaving a well ridden road to a bumpy, natural trail. The lunge made Lily awake frightened and her eyes darted around looking for danger. "Calm yourself", Arlo's smooth voice cooed to Lily as he pulled a strand of curly hair behind her ear. She looked up at him in embarrassment when she realized she was clinging to him for dear life. At some point along the ride, she must have dozed off on his shoulder. She looked up to catch Finn giving her a wide smile. "You must have slept good, you were mumbling in your sleep." Finn stated. Lily's cheeks heated when she realized they had nothing to do in this cramped carriage but watch her sleep. So embarrassing! "I need to see why we have stopped. Finn stay here while I speak with the coachman." Arlo said quickly and shut the door. Lily felt afraid now. It was so strange like if Arlo wasn't near her nowadays, and especially now that someone was after her, she didn't feel safe. Arlo opened the door to the carriage and beckoned them both outside. "The driver says this is as far as he can take us without his wheels getting destroyed. We are going to have to walk from here. Luckily I'm not feeling any presences near us so we should be okay. We are almost to the northern border so for now, we will head towards the land of dragons. We will be welcome there." Arlo hesitated on that last part. It had been a long time since he last saw his people. Would they welcome them? Finn grabbed his and Lilys bags and strapped them to his back. He would show off how strong he was in front of Lily. "Okay then, so how far until we reach this land of dragons?" Lily inquired. Arlo hesitated. Again. "With us having to stop and let you sleep, probably 3 days." "3 days!?" Lily was so tired from traveling for 1 day and she didn't even have to walk. "Don't worry, if you become tired, I will carry you on my back." Arlo smiled at Lily and her heart jumped in her throat. If he carries me then my heart will burst for real.

Arlo thanked the coachmen and led the way through the forest, Lily behind him and Finn covering the rear. "So Arlo, how do you know which way to go?" "Well dragon folk have a kind of compass in them to direct them to the homeland. I really can't explain it, it's just natural for us" "That's cool, Lily sighed, I wish I had a cool power like that." Arlo stopped and turned to give her those heated, deep honey eyes. His words rolling off his tongue made Lily swoon. "You do have a power though." With a smirk Arlo turned back to leading and left Lily breathless.

The sun was starting to set and Lily's legs were killing her. She was hoping they were almost there but she knew they still had awhiles to go. Arlo pointed to something Lily couldn't see but the guys saw it. "Just about a half mile up ahead there is a cave, it will be perfect to shelter us for the night." Arlo turned back and gave Finn a nod and he took off in the shelters direction. "Where is he goi- " right as she spoke Lily tripped over a tree branch and braced herself for a painful fall but there wasn't one. Slowly opening her eyes she looked up to see she was being cradled by Arlo. "Careful, the bush is thick here. Let me carry you the rest of the way." Lily felt her cheeks get hot and turned into his chest and nodded slowly.

Humans were not aware of the fact that male non-humans have the ability to sense different emotions and bodily functions before the human perhaps even noticed. Males can detect, anger, embarrassment, deep sadness, and joy through their auras with training. This tool helped them to fight, protect, and understand one another. When it comes to females, especially human females, they can sense more primitive functions; ovulation, menstration, and his favorite arousal. When he sensed this from Lily, it took all he had not to ravage her right there. It was a lot of determination to keep the beast inside and he struggled daily. He gripped Lily tighter as he spoke. "We have found a cave to spend the night in and Finn went ahead to scout and make sure it was safe for you. I will pick up some firewood on the way there so we can eat and be warm for the night."

Lily felt choked by her embarrassment. Why is she always getting so damn embarrassed!? "Ok that sounds good." Lily glanced into Arlo's eyes as he stood her on her feet and crouched down in front of her. "Get on my back." He commanded. Lily climbed onto his back and Arlo winced as he felt the soft thick flesh of her thighs in his hands. The way her sweet curves clutched his back and he could feel the heat coming from her underwear."Thank the Gods for this." He whispered. "What was that?" Lily leaned forward. "Oh nothing." Arlo started for the cave picking up firewood he demeaned well enough to warm his beauty tonight.

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