Water God Noha lives in heaven Duke city came on Earth fall in love with a Human lost his magical powers. Up and downs in life of Water God.
Noha was born in Duke kingdom in heaven he was the prince. Blessed with all the magical powers by the God. All the responsibility of the kingdom was on the shoulder of Kim who was the Guardian of Noha.
Duke was blessed with very beautiful weather full of waterfall greenery and huge violate mountains. There was a huge fountain in middle of the palace.
Once Destiny writter visited Duke!
Noha and Kim took good care of Destiny writter. He was happy while returning to his world. As return gift he told that whenever the kingdom will be in danger the fountain water will change it color to blood. To protect the kingdom someone from the kingdom have to search 3 stones and he left.
300 Years passed Noha was ready to become a King.
While the fountain water color changed to blood! The news spread like a fire in whole kingdom. Now what next was the question in front of all the Ministers.
While one Minister told the thing what Destiny writter said.
Very quick Noha said that he will find the 3 magic stones and will save the kingdom. Noha went to Kim and had a conversation about 3 magic stones Kim told that Noha have to visit earth for those stones.
Noha and his servant Zouno came to heaven door there was night time on Earth Noha and Zouno appear in Luna city in a garden.
After reaching Earth Noha felt week and found that his magical powers were week to perform.