
Prologue The Only Way

"Hey did you get the email from the boss, Vincent? He said it was important so you should probably go see him."

"Alright I'll head over there right now." I walked up to the elevator and went up to the top floor. After what seemed like forever I finally felt the elevator stop and the doors opened. I walked towards the boss's room nervously and opened the door.

"I see you're finally here. Come take a seat."

I walked over toward the seat directly opposite of him and sat down. "I see you have been working very hard lately so I want to give you this chance. I've been looking to expand my company farther and decided to make another department on the other side of the country. I would like you to run the department over there. You think you're up for the task?"

"It would be an honor sir."

"Great! I'll give you two weeks to pack up and then you will be sent over there."

I left the room and since it was getting late went back home to get ready. The two weeks went by in a flash.

"Flight 326 is ready to board. I repeat, Flight 326 is ready to board. Please line up and wait to be seated thank you." After getting in and waiting for lift off, a bright flash suddenly erupted out of no where and blinded me. "Damn what is this!"

[ Would you like to accept the teleport?]

Thinking about it, I said "I refuse."

[ Error, user's input has been overwritten.]

[Teleporting user to location. Please wait.]

"Are you kidding. Just when I was about to start my comfortable life. Ah forget it I guess this the only way then."