
New Employee

She arrived the ground floor of MDS Company. She entered inside nervously. She took a seat and waiting for her ID Card. After few minutes, A girl arrived from the room and asks

(girl): who is Priya?

(Priya): Yah! It's me.

Priya raises her hand and walks to reach her.

(girl): Your ID Card and go in this way.... One second.... I think you are so talented!

(Priya): Why you said that?

(girl): Because... In my 6years career, I didn't find anyone who directly got the job infront of the MD's Cabin. It's you.. the one . All employees working in this company are waiting for this till now and they are hard working. Leave it and CONGRATULATIONS.

(Priya): Thank you.

Priya reaches 11thfloor and walks straight to find her desk. While walking, All her colleagues rounded her. They all introduced themselves and asked about Priya.

(sam): what's your name?

(Priya): I'm Priya. New joining.

(Sam): Ohhhhh.

(staff): We all here after our 5years experience. But you are not like us. Something special.

(Ram): That indicates talent. I think she is so talented.

(Sam): Stop it guys. Any way congratulations.

(Priya): I'm afraid while reaching you. Because first day to job.... and I thought, it takes some to be a friend with you. But by taking to you, guys.... you are a family. Thank you.

(Sam): No.No. We doesn't need complements, just we need a party.

(Others): Yes.

(Priya): OK.Sunday evening 7:00p.m at Arab street restaurant.

(Others): Done.

(Sam): Its high time we need to complete our work guys. GO GO GO.

Priya finds her desk. Around her, she finds a couple of girls and boys as colleagues. They introduced their names as Eesha from priya's right and from left she finds a girl who was at the Audi car. She introduced herself as Shalini. Priya thought she was so kind. And infront of her the two guys introduced them as Ashwin and Sushanth.

(Priya): I'm glad to meet you four.

Priya had a good feeling on Shalini, because she works as an ordinary employee in this company even though she owns this company. But Priya decided not to tell her about the thing had done in traffic. Suddenly a tall girl reached Priya's desk and introduces herself as Bhavya.

(Priya): Nice to meet you.

(Bhavya): Congrats and Myself MD's personal secretory.

(Priya): I'm Priya. New joining.

(Bhavya): Great... OK! complete this file at 10:00 a.m clock. Remember Boss will arrive at that time.

(Priya): OK.

(Bhavya): All the best.

(Priya): Thank you.

After few hours. At 10:00 clock. Boss arrived. All gave respect to him by standing in addition of Priya. He finds Priya and enters into his Cabin. Priya felt surprisingly by seeing him because, He is the one who gave 10,000 to beggar. Hmmm, Husband as MD and Wife as Employee. Few seconds later Bhavya reached Priya .

(Bhavya): Priya are you completed your work.

(Priya): Hah, last... Completed.

(Bhavya): Its too early, Priya. Nice job. And Boss is calling you.

(Priya): One second.

(Bhavy): What?

(Priya): Why is Shalini working as an employee. She our Boss wife. Right.

(Bhavya): No. Priya. you misunderstood them. They are not wife and husband. I'll tell you later about that. First follow me.

(Priya): Am I allowed to know his name?

(Bhavya): Sure, His name is VARUN MAHADEVAN.

(Priya): Nice name.

Priya feels that her Boss was a flirt and not good in behavior. But the truth is Shalini and Varun both are friends. Varun was loving Priya as he followed her at temple where she is feeding beggars on account on her birthday and he saw her when she was saving an old women and a dog. And Varun was a nice guy. But Priya thought Shalini was a vulgar women.