
The Real Reason DVa Hates Hackers

Author: Ryswell
Video Games
Completed · 34.2K Views
  • 2 Chs
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Hotshot MEKA pilot Hana Song crosses paths with the infamous hacker known as Sombra and the deadly assassin called Widowmaker.

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Chapter 1Part One

Hana Song knew she would visit Hanamura again. Being a global celebrity, the famous pro-gamer turned MEKA pilot had fans all over the world. Especially so in neighboring countries to her homeland Korea, like Japan. She only wished that her most recent trip to the beautiful Japanese city was under better circumstances.

Another barrage of bullets were eliminated by her faithful defense matrix, leaving her massive MEKA unit unscathed as she pressed forward against the Talon defense line. A couple of the armored mercenaries lost their nerve and broke rank to retreat, giving Hana a opportune break in oncoming fire to get herself into cover. Her MEKA might have been big and powerful, but it wasn't invincible. She had to fight smart, especially against the likes of Talon.

Another large form slammed into cover beside her, grunting in annoyance as the spray of enemy fire grew in intensity just as he slipped out of their line of sight.

"Maybe it's just me, but this doesn't feel like a 'light enemy presence'." Hana said, exhaling through her nose.

Winston grimaced as he inspected his Tesla cannon before giving Hana a sheepish look.

"Agreed. It appears our intel was faulty." Winston gave his human ally an apologetic smile. "My bad. I should have triple-checked the data."

There was a flash of blue light and the cheery operative known as Tracer blipped into existence beside them. With a bright smile, she nudged the large primate with her elbow.

"No worries, love. More Talon goons means more target practice." She chirped in an attempt to quell her good friend's guilt.

"Easy for you to say. You don't need to worry about MEKA repairs when this is all over." Hana sounded annoyed, but Tracer and Winston could both see her smirking. They knew she was just barbing them. That's what battlefield comrades did. "Cover me, I'm going to make another push!"

Winston grinned, his eyes set with determination. Tracer readied her two pulse pistols, looking much the same.

"Right behind you, DVa!" They said together.

As Hana rounded the corner with valiant purpose, she smiled to herself. It felt nice to have the respect of fellow heroes like Tracer and Winston. To have them say her codename with such admiration gave the young pilot a… stirring feeling. It didn't just feel nice. It felt good. Hana couldn't quite place it or really articulate the positive sensations she was feeling even as she charged headfirst into danger.

But before Hana could really question how unusual the sensation was, the defense matrix of her MEKA unit shut down. It wasn't because of her overcharging it and it wasn't because it was overwhelmed because of the intense enemy fire. No, she would know if that was the case. Her defense matrix simply gave out for no reason. With a quiet curse, Hana used the massive machine's boosters to get her exposed ass quickly out of the line of fire, barrelling herself into the alley across the street.

"Crap!" Hana let that slip into the comm chatter as she watched her HUD glitch out for a moment. She realized then that she couldn't fire her weapons either. "Shields down. Sorry guys!"

"Already?" Tracer's confusion was clear in her voice. Hana could see her and Winston duck into the alley opposite of hers.

"My weapons are gone, too. It might be a malfunction. I can fix it, you just gotta give me a second." The frown quickly turned into a glare as Hana began to inspect her unit's OS. Suffering from glitches during combat was simply out of the question for a pilot like Hana Song. DVa didn't get glitches, she erased them.

"Don't worry, we've got you covered!" Tracer assured her.

Winston gave his battle cry and charged forward in 's stead. "Playtime's over, Talon! PRIMAL PUNCH!"

Hana felt heat rising in her cheeks even with her friends' understanding. This was beyond embarrassing for the young hotshot. She continued typing away at her HUD's interface only for the entire virtual display to blip away, leaving her in a darkened cockpit.

"What the-?" Hana was left stunned for a moment, her blood running cold at the thought that her MEKA was suffering catastrophic software issues thanks to her own negligence. But an instant later, the HUD returned… only it wasn't it's normal blue-ish green color. No, now it was purple.

Hana was only allowed a moment of confusion before another woman's voice filled her cockpit.

"The monkey's adorable isn't he?"

Hana glared at her hijacked HUD. She was nowhere close to being in the mood for games.

"Who are you and how did you tap this comm. frequency?"

The woman on the other end giggled. "You don't need to worry your pretty little head about that, chica."

Hana grabbed the MEKA's control sticks and tried to get herself back in the fight but found that her unit was unresponsive to her movement commands. The young pilot made a sound of disgust and frustration before throwing her hands up in anger.

"You locked me out of my MEKA's propulsion systems." She accused the voice. The stirring feeling from before was back, making her stomach do flips. Her cheeks were flushed and she found her breathing getting heavier. Hana bit at her lower lip, staring daggers at no one in particular. Why was everything going so wrong today?

"MEKA's got some sophisticated tech... But not sophisticated enough to stop me. You and I are going to have some fun today, sí?"

That was when Hana knew who she was dealing with. She recognized the voice. She recognized the MO. And the spanish sprinkled throughout only confirmed it.

"I know you." Hana hissed, feeling a twinge in her lower belly. "You're the hacker that works for Talon. You're Sombra!"

"I work with Talon, not for Talon." Sombra corrected the hotheaded hotshot, her smooth voice like honey. "But it's good that you know me already. Spares me from an awkward introduction."

"What do you want?" Hana huffed, her cheeks burning up from embarrassment… or perhaps from something else. Why had it gotten so hot in the cockpit all of a sudden?

"I already went over this, sweetheart." Sombra's laugh was almost musical. Hana didn't know why she liked the sound of this woman's voice. It was like her body was betraying her. "I want to have some fun with you."

"Bite me. Not interested." Hane tried to sound rightfully pissed off but the wavering in her voice put a dent in whatever effect that might have had. She hated the butterflies that were fluttering throughout her body, but she especially hated the ones making their home in her belly. Her nerves were breaking rank, turning on her, effecting her body against her will. Traitors.

Sombra was laughing again, musical but also with a hint of wickedness. Hana was so mad she could have kissed her - no, killed her. Hana let out a soft sigh as her stomach did another flip, pressing a hand against her flat belly. Even through her jumpsuit, she could feel her fingers pressing against the soft, yielding flesh of her tight, barely legal tummy.

"I don't need you to be interested, bonita…"

Then Hana felt it. Really felt it. It crashed through her body like a tidal wave, washing away the anger, the frustration, the logic, the reason, almost all of it. It was the sensation that she couldn't quite place from before. Now she knew what it truly was. Pleasure.

It bloomed inside her, deep in her belly, an explosion of warmth that cracked through her small body like lightning. Every nerve was on fire, burning deliciously.

"Oh!" Hana nearly doubled over in her seat as it hit her. For a moment she couldn't even breathe, her entire body seizing up as Sombra sent digital delights pulsing through her nerve-endings. "What… What's going on? What the h-hell did you do to me?"

"Feel's good, doesn't it?" Sombra's voice was low and sultry, slithering right into Hana's ears. It was like she was right there in the cockpit with her. "You don't need to be afraid of me." Sombra cooed, "I'm just looking for a cute girl to have some fun with. Honest."

Another wave of pleasure hit, a little more intense than last time. It bloomed in her belly again, but lower. Closer to there. Hana clenched her thighs flush together, moaning quietly as her body reacted to Sombra's sexy stimuli. Hana's cheeks burned as the embarrassment came back. She was wet. There was no doubt anymore.

"No…" Hana protested weakly, one of her hands absently rising to her breasts. Her nipples were hard now, hard enough to visibly poke through her jumpsuit. She cupped her humble bust, tiny fingers squeezing, rubbing, pinching… Hana knew she wasn't doing this. Her body was acting on its own… Or being controlled. "H-how…?"

"I had your MEKA hacked since before your little skirmish started, babe. I've been tapping your brain through your unit's HUD for almost an hour." Sombra cackled through the comms, her devilish arrogance sending a small, defiant spark of anger shooting through Hana's body. But it wasn't enough to overcome the pleasure. Hana felt her pussy clench at the idea of this woman controlling her body. And the worst part? She didn't know if she was being programmed to like it or if she really was that much of a kinky little slut.

Another wave of pleasure came crashing through Hana's body. The hand that wasn't playing with her cute little tits dove down between her legs, fingers slowly, cruelly working at her tight pussy through the fabric of her jumpsuit. If Hana wasn't soaking wet before…

"Oh! Oh, fuck!" The hotshot pilot whined pathetically, masturbating against her will within the cramped confines of her MEKA cockpit.

"Subliminal messaging, chica. It's a hell of a thing, isn't it?" Sombra shamelessly bragged.

"You…" Hana breathed heavily, enough to fog up the MEKA windshield. "You hacker bitch!"

Sombra gave a small chuckle. "You're not wrong. I guess I'll let it slide. Besides, I can't be mad at the cute girl who's about to put on a show for me."

Hana's blood ran cold. Or as cold as it could, given her bodily functions had been removed from her control. "W-what do you mean by that?"

"That cockpit seems a little cramped. And that alleyway is filthy. You should get some air, love."

Hana's eyes widened. Sombra couldn't mean that. She just couldn't!

"No, please! Please don't! Not in front of my friends!" Hana cried, panting as both of her hands moved down between her legs. Even as she begged, her fingers worked against her, drawing moans and squeaks from her lips that grew louder and louder with every passing moment.

Her pleas fell on deaf ears. Hana's body was out of her own control. The same went for her MEKA. The boosters fired up on their own and a moment later Hana was barrelling out into the firefight in the streets of Hanamura.

"This show of yours. It's gonna be hot. It's gonna be loud. And it's happening in three…"

"Please, I'm begging you!"





"ACTIVATING SELF-DESTRUCT SEQUENCE." Thundered a pre-recorded sound-bite from one of 's previous battles.

"Self-destruct already?" She heard Tracer call out through the noise of battle.

Hana found herself ejected from her faithful MEKA, rolling along the pavement as the large machine thundered onwards without a pilot, straight towards the Talon encampment down the street. She heard a deafening boom shortly after, tears beginning to form in the corners of her eyes as the full weight of this humiliation collapsed upon her.

But the humiliation wasn't nearly enough to eclipse the pleasure Sombra was still forcing through her lithe body. Even with her MEKA gone, Hana's hands were still pawing at her own nubile body. One hand reached up to the zipper by her collar and tugged down, exposing her black sports bra and the bare skin of her belly. The same hand slipped under the bra and Hana hummed as the pleasant sensation of skin on bare skin became known to her. Her other hand slipped inside the new opening of her jumpsuit, travelling further down to the junction between her legs. So frantic were her ministrations that Hana barely noticed her two friends rushing over to check on her status.

"DVa, what gives?" Tracer started as she closed the distance between them with Winston close behind, slowing to a stop as her brain began to register just what the younger girl was doing. " … what are you… Oh…"

Hana writhed on the ground before her two friends, masturbating with abandon and pawing at her own tits like a horny teenage boy. She twisted her body so that her jumpsuit slipped off of her shoulders, drawing her hands away from her breasts and cunt for a short, agonizing moment in order to tug the sleeves off of her arms. Once she was free from the upper half of her suit, her hands dutifully, frantically returned to work in their assault on her poor body.

"You bitch! You crazy bitch! Fuck!" Hana didn't know whether her tears were from embarrassment or from pleasure nor did she care. She was lost to the sensations pulsing through her young body. All she could do was curse the hacker cunt that did this to her and wait for it to run its course. "Fuck! Fuck me! Uhhh yeah!"

"Dear lord…" Winston had the decency to spare his friend any more humiliation and averted his gaze. Human sexuality was not within his realm of scientific interests.

"I'm sorry!" Hana whined as she plunged two fingers into her weeping pussy, relishing the sensation of being penetrated and engulfed at the same time. She was hot, warm, and dripping wet. And that drove the pilot wild. "I'm so sorry! I… I can't stop! It's too good! Fuck! YES!"

If Hana Song didn't hate hackers before, she sure as hell did now.

- - -

Sombra watched her handiwork from afar, perched on the roof of a building tall enough to provide overwatch of the battlefield Talon had turned Hanamura into. The hacker clicked her tongue as the video feed streaming to her display showed the poor thing writhing on the street, playing with her own body on Sombra's subliminal command.

"Good girl." She purred through their comm. link. Even if didn't response, Sombra knew the asian girl could hear her. "We'll be keeping in touch. I may be a hacker bitch, mi amor, but I'm a woman of my word."

She took only a moment longer to appreciate the younger woman's lush, half-naked body before closing the feed. It was being recorded so she would have ample opportunity to watch the rest later. But Talon was paying her good money to get the job in Hanamura done. And with the MEKA pilot out of the way for the moment, the mission was only Sombra's to fail.

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