
1-Annoying snakes

It's finally the day everyone has been waiting for, it's the last day of my senior year. Everyone is leaving for college or just figuring it out but me? I'm not going to college, I'm staying right here.

It's not that I'm poor for college or anything I just feel like college isn't for me, I wanna be free and live my life I want to for once. I mean yeah I'm popular but no one knows the real me. No one knows how I am outside of school and I already know everyone is fake as fuck except for Anna she's been my best friend from the very beginning.

Oh, I'm so sorry for not introducing myself, I'm Luna, there's not much you need to know about me unless you want the stuff that's not important like my hight and shit if so stop being weird and use your imagination.

Right now I'm in school with all the snakes. You would think teachers would just let us out easily. Wrong! They actually had us do work on the last day. It's like teachers like to see students suffer.

"Hey Luna" I turned around to the sound of Brandon calling my name.

"Hey Brandon, what's up?"

"I was wondering if you are coming to my party after school."

"I'll have to think about it."

"If going tubing in a relaxing river doesn't make you say yes then I don't know what will." He chuckles and leaves to go to his next class.

I go to my locker which is right next to Anna's.

"What did Brandon want?"

"He just wanted to know if I was going to his party."

"why don't you guys date already, he's cute and he likes you so why not?"

"An you know I don't see him like that."

Fun fact about me and Brandon, we were best friends but things kind of changed because I started to notice that he might have developed feelings for me but I don't feel the same way about him. I found out because we were at a party and he and his best friend (Noah) were talking about how Brandon felt about me. I didn't mean to listen in on the conversation I was already in the room and they didn't see me.

RING the bell signaled to get to class.

I'm in biology talking to everyone. Though the one person I do wish to talk to is Lake. He's the school's mysterious guy, he has three friends, Jaylen, Charlette, and Tyler but he doesn't talk to anyone outside his friend group so that means I've never talked to him and I haven't tried. It's not because I don't like him, trust me if I had a chance to get him to look at me I would take that chance, it's just half of the girls at this school has a crush on him and I don't want any drama or rumors about me and he runs down all the girls that look his way so I know for a fact he would turn me 's parking lot.No one knows I have a crush on him not even Anna. Anna knows everything about me like that I'm adopted but no one cares about that stuff but telling her I have a crush on the most drama worthy guy, she could get mad at me one day and decide to spill the tea to Sara and she's the one you go to for drama.

'but damn he looks good' I say in my mind and bite my lip.

'stop it, Luna, get that out of your mind before you get too carried away!'

"Luna? Luna!"

I snap out of my daze as Sara waves her hand in front of my face.

"You're not even listening to me." she says annoyed.

"Sorry I was just thinking about.... What I'm going to do during the summer."

"Anyways as I was saying..."

See Sare is one of those basic, fake, rich, bitches. She is one annoying snake and if you think different than you clearly haven't met her.

School if finally don't I most of the time I dozed off, I mean did they really expect me to do work on the last day. Uh I think not.

Anna catches me in the school's parking lot.

"So are we meeting up at your house to get ready?"

I already knew what she was talking about, she doesn't miss a chance to party.

"mine and you get to choose my outfit, I don't feel like picking it out."

"Of course I will." Playing dress-up makes Anna excited, I don't know why but it does.

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