

"urgh, can we stop for a minute," Angel said.

Finn rolled his eyes "quit your complaining and keep walking."

As far as Angel knew, they were in the middle of nowhere, but Finn seemed to know where they were. Angel looked around in wonder, she had never been to this part of RavenHill before, there were old houses as far as the eye could see. Chipped paintwork and cracked windows, it seemed almost like a ghost town, yet Angel could smell the chimney smoke and the aroma of cooked food.

"Where are we?" she muttered, still looking around her, Finn smiled at her wide-eyed wonder "this would be the side of RavenHill that people like you don't see."

She scoffed "what do you mean people like me?"

Finn sighed "well, there's the sparkly lovely oceanside homes of RavenHill and then there's...here."

Angel studied him for a second "you say that like you've lived here for a while, but didn't you say at school that you just moved here?"

Finn laughed quietly "no you misunderstand me, I was new at the school, not new to RavenHill, I've lived here since I was quite young."

Angel smiled defiantly. "Then how come I've never seen you before?", Finn raised an eyebrow at her "RavenHill is a big place Angel, and by the looks of things you don't go out much."

Angel mock gasped "so rude," she shoved him playfully. Finn grinned and shoved her back even harder. Soon they were laughing and staggering about like a couple of old drunks. Finn smiled warmly at her as their little pushing game ended.

"Come on, we're here." And with that, he motioned to the biggest house Angel had ever seen.

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