
Motorcycles and Dead Girls

Angel smiled at him again, "nice bike." She said, Finn glanced at his motorcycle, "yeah I guess, it was a present from my dad." He looked sad as he said it. Angel could tell it was a sensitive subject so she changed the direction of the conversation "so... was there a reason you stopped to talk to me?" she said.

Finn nodded and looked at her "uh yeah um," he seemed, a bit tongue-tied all of a sudden. He cleared his throat "I was wondering if you were okay from today and if you, uh maybe wanted to get coffee sometime?" He blushed red.

Angel was surprised "but I barely know you?" She said. Finn looked even more embarrassed, then his expression went dark and he leaned in close "you will get coffee with me," he whispered. Angel frowned "what the hell, now you're just being weird."

Finn looked shocked, his face went blank "my apologies," then he was gone again.

Finn was puzzled, why hadn't it worked? He was sure it would, unless...

Before he could finish that thought, a scream pierced through the silence of the afternoon. Finn rounded the street corner and saw a girl with blood flowing from her neck, she staggered and fell, all the while watching Finn.

Then she was dead.

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