
Chapter 2 How’d we get here

Jerome started to panic at first he couldn't believe his eyes so he closed them. When he opened then he would have fallen over if he could. "Hello welcome you have been chosen for the system do you accept?" Jerome was terribly perplexed by this he honestly thought that he maybe had fallen asleep so he pinched himself. "This is real you have been selected and deemed fit for system infusion. " Jerome wanted to ask questions but couldn't do any more than blink." If successful you would become the greatest at one thing if failed you would become a creature of the night." Jerome wondered how it knew his questions for a while but soon realized this was all happening in an instant and time had indeed froze."If you don't accept you will be mind wiped and the chance will continue to the next compatible ancestor." With this being said Jerome realized something that this was meant for him this was his destiny to become the greatest but at what was the question because being average 5'10 165lb you couldn't really do sports professionally even with the help off system and with such a risky failure price Jerome had to weigh the odds

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