

Nobody wants to leave

Nobody wants to go

Far from the people dearest to the heart

Living with your friends and family

Joyous celebration

 of living life with the one you care...

I was no exception 

But one fine day I woke up

Horror striked...

 and dreams fell apart like dominoes

I started running

Far far away

Far far away from everything

which once I thought loved me

Far far away because 'near' wasn't there anymore

So I ran far far away

Far far away to unknown lands

Running away from demonic fears

Away from being caged

And that day I pledged...

I will run evermore

Unless I find a reason to stay...

Here you go... this is my first poem.

what happens when you don't have a reason to stay?

do you run away or do you look for a reason to stay???

Ishani_Karmakarcreators' thoughts
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