
The Rainy Day I Met You

The Rainy Day I met you is about Haru Sasaki. His mother and he got into a car accident which lead him To have to move to a town far from Kyoto where he was originally from, and there he will meet Lilia Albrook, with her he will learn how to love again and live again.

Ilulu_Kobayashi · Eastern
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3 Chs

My New Beginning

Huh? Why is everything all black? Where am I? It is so cold here. It feels like I am in the arctic, my body numb from the frigid temperatures. Yet at the same time, it is so hot I can barely breathe. I see light. what is that? It is getting brighter. Huh? I opened my eyes I see the Plain room and I see the nurse. Her hair looks like chocolate, a rich creamy milk chocolate, and shoulder length. Her eyes are purple and green. "Oh your awake you have a fever so stay in bed for now alright." Huh, the nurse is talking? That's odd Okay. It still felt awkward to me to talk to her because of yesterday. Is my mom awake yet? I asked, "No the doctor told me to make you focused on healing even though most of the injuries are minor cuts you still need to heal". When she said that it made me so annoyed doctor this doctor that I hate it. By the way whats, your name you don't have a name tag why is that? "I am new I just transferred here to the hospital two months ago." "My name is Ichika Sato." "Oh yeah and the doctor's name is Yuma Sato." Huh Sato? The wait is he a relative of yours? "Yes he is my brother, my brother went to medical school and I did the same around the same time," he is two years older than me." "I have to go now talk to you later Mr. Sasaki." "Oh one more thing if you have to use the bathroom be careful there were people who were in a brawl last night so they are injured. That is it talk to you later Mr. Sasaki! I take a deep breath right when she left, so there are people here who are injured? I know It sounds stupid to say but this whole time I never really thought of the other people here. I let out a sigh and I try to change my train of thought to Mr. Yuma and Miss Sato. Mr. Sato has black shiny hair in a ponytail about a foot long and black glasses and is kinda snobby looking. My mind started to drift back to everything that happened on the last day and how a day can go from a perfectly normal day to a nightmare. I look down at my hands and I just noticed that they were cut up. My hands had bandages on them, I just sit there and wonder what would happen if this never happened?

I and my mother lived in a small apartment that had a small kitchen about arm's length wide and six feet long. It had a white rice cooker that could fit seven cups of rice in it. Our fridge was five feet tall and was one my grandfather and grandmother on my dad's side gave us. My family on that side was never really nice to me because I was the mistake child that was born by drunk teens. My father has a wife now and a child. My mother got a letter from him when I was ten saying "I am not coming home." That was all, at that time we lived in a big house with three beds and a bath. I had my room the size of six tatami mats wid not that big but I don't like places that have big rooms like the rest of the house I had only a bed, books, and clothes. But after my dad left we could not pay for the house which caused us to have to move into the apartment. I did not mind that much when we moved. The whole living room is six tatami mates like my old room at the new apartment. The bedroom is five tatami mats wide. even though some people might call it small it is still home to me, the yellowish walls that used to be white, with the paint chipping off it was the definition of cheap but it is still home. Then something stopped my train of thought it was the hospital door opening.

I saw Mr. Sato in his white lab coat and black glasses. "Are you Okay Mr. Sasaki?" when I heard those words I felt a burning sensation in my chest like I would blow my top off like how Pompeii did back in A.D.79. "Sasaki?" are you are right? Can you stop asking me that when my Mother is on the death's door I said bluntly? When I said that he looked like he just got said no for the first time as a toddler who wants ice cream. " Sasaki I know you are in pain right now but be nicer it is common courtesy to say things like "how are you?" "How are you feeling?" When I heard that I felt like I was going to blow away all of Japan with how big the sigh I let out was. Alright, I said to Mr. Pony Tail. For a moment there was silence till said "Mr. Pony Tail?" His voice sounded shakey like there was an Earthquake was happening or if you just got off a roller coaster for the first time and if you had a fever to all at the same time, to say the least, he was mad more than just a bit he sounded like those historical Japanese dramas when someone kills there father before they started screaming. when I looked up he looked like a pomeranian the just got their food taken away. I couldn't help it I let out a soft chuckle, for that moment I felt what it means to be happy again. I saw the doctor his face switched to a small but yet still visible smile. "Come on Mr. Sasaki Lets go see your mom." When I heard that I got excited but I would not know what was about to unfold.