
Esmeralda, The Crooked Offspring

With a sigh that sounded more like a deflating balloon, old man Kaisen—formerly known as the spry and youthful Kaisen—gritted his teeth as he gingerly clutched his aching back.

'Fucking bitch! If I won't bend you down and plough you and make you beg for my mercy, then my name is not Kaisen at all.'

He groaned.

'Dammit. I thought losing HP just meant I'd be more susceptible to death quickly, but I didn't think I'd age 80 years.'

He truly felt it.

It was as if his bones were ancient.

'Maybe this HP thing affects my body too.'

"Fine. Screw it. Maybe the Talisman of the Eclipse Breaker can do the trick."

A quick system message popped up:

[Time remaining: 5 hours]



'Dammit! Fuck me hell! Fine let's do this the old fashioned way.'

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