
Cheater at the Casino

The state of New York was run by 6 distinct mob bosses who all owned separate land and business. The Queen the top mob boss could steal anybody else's power. She being born from power and riches owned the banks and luxury apartments, though she shared the night life with others on purpose. Though she seemed like a normal business women taking over her parents family business she couldn't be far from it. Not only was she sly and pretty her sense of style influenced and dazed anyone. She really was show stoping. Though people who meet her always fear her after. Rumor says she kills anyone who doesn't agree with her business terms. Which leads to Vixen the ruler over Malibu. She and The Queen are less than friends, but they know each other. Vixen is not only a style influencer, but is rumored to use violence on any thief caught. She'll haunt you personally and when she finds you she'll start from your fingers to your toes. But that's just a rumor. Both being beautiful and influential people they meet up often. Whither yo chat about business or ask each other a favor they are to be feared.