Queen bee bully and a normal starnger meet
in this cruel world where name and power matters.. Is there a place for affections , feelings, "love" cringe- but most people now set aside thsese kind of stuff or it became unknow..
-for a certain someone that grew up only knowing that all people are just below them.. will she able to handle those feelings and emotions that are so unfamiliar to her..
- where the hell is she?? AIIIISSHHHH!! - I have been running around the school grounds looking for that brat, I know she's just here somewhere.. I'm holding my knees panting when Karina called me..
KARINA: Chuu.. I found her!
-I can't believe that I'm already this exhausted this early just because of that attitude brat "aka" my cousin.. she has to give her speech to welcome new student.. as the sole heir of this university and the face of the school.. even how rebellious she is the entire school giving her the gratitude and respect.
-I follow her until we reached the second floors empty room.. were now Infront of the door when I heard a groan.
-''UGH~~ yes .. I just roll my eyes and harshly open the door.. and I found this mandu sitting on a random guys lap half naked early in this morning.
They both startled looking at me..
JENNIE: what the hell chuu!!
-she got off the guy's lap and sat on one of the chair like nothing happened.. i point at the guy.
JISOO: YOU!! leave us,, and you!!
-I grab her blouse that was on the floor and throw at her..
JISOO: you know that were going to welcome the freshmen today! The least you can do is to act decent!
-she just rolls her eyes on me and wore her blouse, after standing up she walk towards the door and before she went out, she looks back at me..
JENNIE: no body questions the queen chuu.. Whatever I do~~ I will be forgiven do you know why~~??
-she flips her hair..
JENNIE: because I AM BEAUTIFUL... (boa Hancock)
-and there she goes.. walking at the hallway like she owns the place .. Well, her family does own the university. She's the sole heir Kim's empire our name is well known in business world. Her parents gave her everything she wants no questions asked.. She's a perfect description of goddess.. the epitome of beauty.. the gods must have taken his time to create her. But I think her biological parent is Satan.. because whoever crosses her faces hell,.
- Karina and I just staring at her.
KARINA: she's right Tho. I mean she's the queen of the school ..even if she's cutting classes she stays on top, she's a talented dancer.. and her appearance that will make all people on their knees..
JISOO: I know that.. it's just.. (sigh) I hope someone can change her.
-Yes~ I am the queen.. This university is my kingdom.. all people should bow on me and kiss my feet.. this world revolves only on me..
-I'm on my second year and 2 years from now I will leave this university and study abroad as planned by my parents to be the daughter that they want me to be.. so, before they take over my life, I will make sure to live a mark in this school..
Jennie Rubyjane Kim.. All students in this UNi Know's my name and how I was and know how they should treat me..
like my cousin Jisoo said today we'll welcome freshmen so I am walking towards the main hall as I reached the premises Irine and nayeon are running towards me..
NAYEON: where have you been? We've been trying to delay the program!
IRINE: here put some lip-gloss on, your lips are smuggled.
-I took what irine's was giving me and put it on then walk my way to the stage \.. As I reached the center, I look at all the people that has their eyes on me.. ''yes~ you have to put all your attention just to me.. I am your queen.. bow down on me peasants..
I'm all smile reaching the mic..
JENNIE: Good day.. freshmen's.. Welcome to Kim's university.. make your senior high exciting and fun.!!
-all applaud with my simple pathetic speech.. I roam my eyes like a hawk looking at my new pawns..
a certain girl caught my attention..
She's the only one I noticed that was not looking at me..
brown hair with bangs..
-I keep on staring at her but she didn't spare me a glance.. which irritates me.. I clench my jaw.
" why is this maggot not paying attention to me..-mall she did was stare at the lights looking too mesmerized..
-I wave at them and turn my back and before I went back, I took another glance at her ..I was stunned for I moment when I saw her now looking at me..
''what's this?.. My eyes seem glued to her and she's not even breaking the contact. my mind is like having a malfunction because my vision only see her.. like all people around her became blurred.. I touched my tummy because I feel like something is tickling me inside..
-I was pulled from whatever it is .. with a tap on my shoulder..
IRINE: hey~ lets go.. What are you standing there?
-Irine look over to where I was looking at.. I got nervous a bit which a very rare emotion to me as well. I grab her wrist and walk out of the place..
-this is unacceptable.. my mind is being occupied with someone I just saw.. I never get interest to someone on a first sight.. wait did I just think that I'm interested to her? NOT A CHANCE.. she should be the one to get interested in me not the other way around..
-I was walking at the hallway together with my cousin and friends-
JISOO: what the hell Jennie!!
-my cousin exclaimed when I suddenly stop bumping her face to my head.
-there she is.. the person whose been invading my head for some reason..
IRINE: do you know her??
-Irine spoke beside me while looking at the direction where my sight is. She's quite tall, has her hands on her hoodie above her uniform and staring at the bulletin..''maybe she's looking for a club where she can enter...
NAYEON: she's cute.. Don't tell me she's your new target?
-I just roll my eyes on them and continue to walk.. as we are about to pass her someone yelled 'LISA'' --that made her look at that direction and automatically releases a smile..
-the devils must be playing with me.. because the moment my eyes landed on her my breath hitch..
-she run towards the person.. my head follows her unconsciously and another immotion creep out on me..
-the hugged.. a little too tight..
-I felt annoyed.. like I was betrayed or something. I don't like this..
-I turn my head and continue to walk a little faster.. I can hear my cousin calling me but I was so pissed for unknown reason that I didn't bother to look back at them..
-I found myself at the restroom looking at my reflection.. then suddenly
-I smirked with the thought that popping to my head.