17 Chapter 17: The intruder

Mia revisited the events. She could not help but think that it was quite silly that somebody would climb the trees and perch outside a window like a bird, just because, he looked like an evil warlord and was so bothered by it that he wanted to explain himself to her.

It was silly but cute.

Her songbird had been watching intently, and reported to her in chirps. "Man, like bird, watch, scared."

She could understand bird chatter since she was a young girl. Yet she wondered if the bird had meant that it was scared or if the man who was like a bird, was scared. Then, she knew that "scared" could mean worried or anxious or troubled, as birds have limited vocabulary and these words have similar but slightly different interpretations. It was then she decided it was probably safe to confront the intruder and did not call for her Guards.

Did he really look like Zachariah? In fact, he was not wrong. The moment he lifted his head up, Mia was struck by that uncanny likeness. Even though she had seen Zachariah very up close, she was not taken by his handsomeness. Firstly he was all green and translucent so it was already less impressive. Secondly, there was a certain pomposity and arrogance in Zachariah's eyes that undermined any kind of good looking he had. However, when she first saw Peter, she saw the beauty that was endowed upon this man. His face carefully sculpted, the lines of his nose, eyes, cheekbones, mouth, were seemingly drawn to perfection. His eyes were apologetic and sincere. He exuded confidence but also humility. He was not Zachariah, no matter how alike.

She could not bring herself to dislike him.

He must be quite skilled to make his way from his end of the castle to her tower, without the guards taking notice at all. If not for Aimee her songbird, she would have never guessed that a man his physique could perch quietly at her window. It was a slightly scary thought but after seeing the man, she knew he would not harm her. He was too proud to act anything less than gentlemanly.

She remembered Emily talking about a certain Peter Black, the Black knight. His name was indeed apt.

This was one man, after seeing her burst into flames, was only concerned about how she would think if she saw how much he had looked like Zachariah. With that, she chuckled.

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