
The Way Home

After meeting with Ethan, Aidan started walking home to get some rest for the upcoming day. There are cars and motorcycles passing by and there are people that Aidan comes across while walking home, but it didn't bother him, he has walked this path a hundred times so he knows that this street is safe.

The cold breeze of the night touched Aidan's face, the streetlights flicker in the dark alley, the crickets of insects are the music of the street. Aidan stopped in front of a small apartment building, he went in and walked upstairs. He stopped in front of a quiet room, room number thirteen, that's the place he currently stays. Aidan entered the apartment with his key, he switched the light and inside is a messy room, with empty beer cans and clothes lying down on the floor, but the room is flourished with decors and furniture. This room of the apartment is used as a small kitchen and dining room with a table and chair for one person. There are two doors at the back of the room, one's the bathroom and the other one's the bedroom.

"I still have work tomorrow. I'm too tired right now so I'll clean up this room this coming weekend."

A ticking sound echoes in the quiet room, Aidan looked at the time, and it's already eleven pm. He locked the door and changed to his pajamas, he then went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. After that, he went to the bedroom and made sure to set up his alarm clock for tomorrow. Before lying down in bed, Aidan looked at his Virtual Reality Helmet nostalgically in the corner of the room. So many memories and experiences that VRH has given him, but now, it's in the corner of the room filled with dust and hasn't been used for a long time.

When Aidan left his home in the province, he brought the VRH with him, a memorabilia from the past. It's also a sign of hope, that one day, he can go on another adventure with his guildmates and friends. But the reality is different now, he's living alone and he needs to earn money so he can survive in this cruel world.

"I have to wake up five in the morning to prepare breakfast, take a bath, and leave for work. I used to play with my friends during this time of the night, but now..."

But now, Aidan's working in Mac Roland's every day to live. His family is back in the province while he pursued his dream in this city. But his dream to become a game developer can't be accomplished yet, his family don't have enough money to spare and help him study in a high-end school to learn game development. For now, Aidan has to work and save money for his education, but it's not going well for him. He has to pay the rent, electricity, water, and buy himself food. Saving money with so little income isn't working out for him. Aidan has to work overtime every day to get a little extra, he also keeps an eye out for a new sideline to earn some extra cash but all in all, he still needs to save up a lot to go to college.

"I finished high school, but, I need to work and save money for my college, the reality is cruel and harsh... Unlike some other people who can afford to follow their dream and finish college with the course they've been dreaming of."

Why is this world so unfair? Rich people can do what they want, but us in the bottom, are working hard to get things that we want. The truth always hurt for everyone. Darkness filled the room, the light of the moon shined on Aidan as he ponders about reality. The tick of the clock, the crook of insect, and the deafening silence is the only thing that can be heard.

"If only I can get another chance, in another a world. In Mythos, I'm a legendary spell caster, it gave me a reason to come home full of excitement every day, but now, there's only silence waiting for me in this dark room. I want to explore another world, encounter unknown creatures, and meet strangers. But I can only wish."

Little did he know that his wish will change his life forever.

Aidan calmed his lonesome heart, living alone in this apartment with no one made his heart cry in sorrow. Eventually, it will take it's toll it Aidan mentally and emotionally. The reunion with his friend Ethan, helped him release some of his anxiety and deep emotions, but now that he's alone, it's all coming back to haunt him.

Aidan lied down in bed, thinking of what's his future looks like. Will he ever gonna be a game developer? He's one of the top students in his class back in high school, but due to money, he can't afford to continue to college and he left his home to find a job. Was it a mistake leaving his home? Aidan can't help it but be depressed because of his current situation. His parents visit him sometimes, making sure that he's okay and doing fine, they even give him money every month to help him pay his bills.

Everything seems so dark, but his family and friends give him hope and the strength to continue on with his life. The world is unfair and cruel, but Aidan realized, that with the help of everyone he loves, he can continue with his life. It's time to move on and focus more on his future, perhaps it's time to go to college tomorrow and ask for a scholarship entrance exam for game development.

The moon smiles on Aidan's face and the calm night continued on, as Aidan fall into a deep slumber, a deep and life-changing slumber.

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