
My Card was Left 4 Dead

As the survivors exited the checkpoint with Jenny trailing behind, they came upon a gaping hole with a prime view of a giant boomer.

Jason admired the view and remembered something from the apartment, still sitting in his jacket pocket. Just like in games, he figures, consumables are easy to forget in real life as well. "You know, it looks a bit bigger than the one that sat on your face, Deshawn."

"Fuck you," was the only reply before Deshawn shot it in the face while everyone watched the boomer go boom and a horde running to eat its remains.

"A great man once said words of wisdom that I hold dear to this day," Jason preached as he fingered his forgotten consumable.

Bill couldn't help but get a little upbeat at his antics. The last couple weeks have been more than a little depressing. "What words would those be, kid?"

"Yippee kai yay..." he tossed a pipe bomb into the center of the horde and waited for it to go boom.

It didn't disappoint, the floor shook, blood flew into the air, and the entire area that they could drop down into was covered in zombie gore and broken pieces.

"Mother fucker." Jason added in a reverent tone.

Zoey's face went from amused to disgusted, "Yes, yes, Merry Christmas to your overrated action flick. My vans were already ruined, but you want me to jump into that?"

Jason gasped in righteous anger on account to the masterpiece that is Die Hard, but noticed the mess that forced him to cough awkwardly and rub his nose. He didn't want to jump into it either.

The moment was worth it, but it still was a little embarrassing. Note to self, he thought, pipe bombs don't clear away body parts. They shred them.

Spencer's nerdgasm about how the multiverse was connected through actors was irritating but when he started about how Bruce Willis was a one dimensional cararicature and that fit his multidemenetional theory in some nonsensical way, Jason was ready to shoot the idiot.

One dimensional? So what if Bruce Willis has a deadpan face, you need it to be a badass like Deshawn, Zoey, or that old guy they have with them!

There's all the time in the future to murder the greaseball so Jason decided to jump down first and ignore him the best he could.

"Good thing I closed my mouth," he figured, wiping his face.

Human sludge sprayed on his knees, he made sure the area was clear, and looked back to see Deshawn catch Zoey in his arms as she jumped down.

Was that a blush, when the hell did that happen?

The important details covered, Jason lead the quiet march down a stairway and they found themselves with turnstiles on either side, leading to the subway platforms.

"I think we have to go back!" Jason exclaimed with a panicked expression as the group stilled.

"I... I left my metro card at home. I'm sorry." He bowed demurely to the group like a Japanese anime character.

No one seemed to get his humor. Jason wondered if Jenny even knew how to smile with her eternally tear filled ducts in the corner of her eyes.

Thankfully, the zombies came rushing at them to end the awkward moment. Three hunters lead the charge like brainless morons. Two of them were shot dead while Deshawn looked like he was having a blast as he smashed the head of one of the hunters.

Jason figured he enjoyed it so much because Spencer was lying underneath it. He was the better man, saving the fatty who said he would die first because of his race. Jason decided to forget the bloody footprints and bruises that no doubt decorated Spencer's blubbery torso.

At the last checkpoint, Jason had taken Jenny's pistol and no one complained, that left him with a total of 45 shots from 3 of them before reloading. It wasn't like he was dumb enough to hold them akimbo style. No matter what Spencer says, this is life, not a game. Plus, watching those heads pop is so satisfying.

Soon, they were all put down. Even though this was supposed to be 'honor,' there really, really easy. Jason wasn't dumb enough to jinx it though. It's still such a long walk to the hospital and he's fealling a bit tired.

Spencer was fighting back sobs as he tried to clean his face from the aftermath of when Deshawn saved his life and Jason had to fight back the mirth, he had to focus!

After looting the area with Bill, he found a magical/sci-fi med pack behind a check-in counter. He wouldn't forget the consumable this time! He saw Deshawn and Zoe walking back from one of the tunnels they decided to explore.

"It's caved in on this side, looks like we only have one way to go," she said all business.

"Of course," Spencer did what was becoming his bit. "We all have a sixth sense that will lead us to the hospital for this mission that R.O.B. gave us."

She let out an exasperated sigh and looked to her side at Deshawn, who just shrugged before the group went through the only open path.

They climbed a couple set of stairs before they were forced to look back at a booming, repeating sound.

"Huff, Huff, Huff. The, Huff, esca... lators. Huff," Spencer slowly waddled up the last flight they were on, cursing about how he had to WALK up escalators.

"You ran away from a horde multiple times, but a set of stairs is one that does you in?" Jason asked him before continuing on. If he was left behind, then no major loss.

Deshawn rolled his eyes and noticed that Jenny was watching with a confused expression on her face as she looked at Spencer trying to overcome the impossible challenge of waddling up stairs.

"At least she isn't crying anymore," Deshawn said more to himself than the group.

In reply, Jenny looked around like a fearful dear before she tucked her neck and the tears started to fall again.

All she needed was a reminder.

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