
Left the Horde

"Ahh, it has power, the light is green, so let's take it up," Jason said as he pointed at a lift that was conveniently parked beside the shipping company building. It looked like it could comfortably hold eight people.

"Not happening," Zoey remarked as she ignored it and walked past him.

Bill chuckled as he followed her, "There's a crashed truck there, see?" he said as he pointed forward. "An easy climb, it's closer and doesn't make any noise."

"Not to mention why anyone would use random devices in an apocalypse. Who knows if that thing woks or needs a key or something," Zoey added. She had been hopelessly trying to survive before in a crumbling world. Now? She was able to gain skills as long as the team stayed together and their cohesion in battle almost made the trek to the hospital too easy.

Sure, one guy died so far, but he was obviously insane. The hordes of weaklings went down without trouble. As long as they kept an eye on each other kill special zombies quick and didn't run into any more tanks, Zoey was hopeful that they could all make it to the helicopter alive.

The fact that Deshawn and Jason might leave her and Bill alone in this tragic world wasn't weighing on her mind at all. Nope. She didn't have any thoughts about that. None at all.

As they got closer to the roof, Jason tried to make a smartass comment about how it was too quiet and he hoped it would stay that way, but was interrupted by a screaming zombie on the roof.

"Of course zombies come appearing from nowhere, are we almost there yet? This is getting too repetitive," Jason remarked as he covered his team's rear, popping shots at the infected crawling their way up rubble and walls.

At the last checkpoint, he had removed the scope from his rifle and wrapped it in some cloth before tucking it in his jacket. It was only now when he realized what a difference it made.

He never used a gun I'm his life before today, so even though he had killed hundreds of husks that exist to eat the living dead, he didn't realize how much a scope got in the way when he was killing them in mass before.

It was such a simple detail, but Jason wasn't one to focus on those details.

A blue screen popped in front of his vision before he jabbed it away with the barrel of his gun. He didn't need System-kun to tell him his shots were better. Jason was taking down zombies like no tomorrow while strafing backwards. Up until now, the routine was wait for them to come, unload; then they rinsed and repeated.

The survivors made their way across a rooftop and were approaching the blown open wall that was there planned entrance to the building.

The undead were coming in mass.

I'm Jason's mind, he knew they came to the area because of the building they had a hand in bringing down, but the shear amount of bloodthirsty enemies made him pale in something that felt like fear.

The entire group, even the stumbling Jenny who usually looks at nothing but the ground paused and looked towards the receiving area at ground level. It was about the size of a Walmart parking lot, but the survivors couldn't see the pavement anymore. The infected were coming from every direction, pushing each other, breaking body parts off of other zombies because of the shear force they were packing each other together tighter than rush hour on a New York subway.

"That must be the entire city..." remarked Jason, in awe at the scene.

Deshawn just scoffed, "Free points, but we need to move our assess." From a bag he had on his back, he pulled out 6 liquor bottles and matching rags, placed them on the ground, and started making molotovs after they reached there destination and we're inside the building.

"Don't mind if I do!" Jason said as he greedily grabbed two for himself and noticed that Zoey did the same.

Bill cursed at the 'youngsters,' but tossed his lighter to Zoey as he covered them. The horde wasn't yet on top of them, but some of the faster ones were meeting them with open jaws. "Just hurry up before your greed kills you!" he yelled as he blew the incoming zombies aflame with his shotgun.

"Nah, it ain't for points, we're, just covering the retreat," Deshawn grinned as Zoey lit their molotov cocktails.

"Now!" Jason yelled, "Get back Bill!"

The old veteran turned tail and ran behind the three pyromaniacs and quickly reloaded as he watched the scene.

The entrance they used to get into the warehouse was a large opening, it took three bottles to even make a fire that would slow them down, so Jason, Deshawn, and Zoey wordlessly threw the first three as far as they could for the maximum amount of kills and carnage before throwing the last three at the opening as the horde came near.

"Quit gawking, go, go, go!" Bill yelled as they ran from the incoming horde. Behind the fleeing survivors, the living dead lumbered towards them, crawling over the ones that faltered from being lit on fire only to taste the heat themselves.

The team came upon a hole in the floor to the second floor and without a word, Deshawn lead with a leap. The undead were too close and they couldn't afford to waste time or get caught in a corner.

Stragglers in the warehouse were instantly alerted as the man sprayed heavy fire with his UMP 45 and pulling his knife to tear the head off of one that came too close to his flank.

"There, the stairs!" Bill called out to the group as he pointed down the hallway.

The group converged at the stairwell before hauling ass down while the horde was pouring through the hole they came from to the third floor.

The undead were using themselves as cushions for their fall but the group was already near the bottom of the stairs.

At this moment, Jason realized he only had a one extra magazine left and Deshawn was firing his handgun. The guy sprayed more than anyone in the group, but ammo was so plentiful along the way, he never even pondered the idea that they could run out.

Finally, they reached the bottom of the stairs and saw a wide open, empty hanger. Except for in the corner. There rested a set up of sandbags, crates, and the shiny glint of a mounted machine gun. Behind the set-up was a metal door, an emergency exit.

Bill, figured he was the only one that cared about their surroundings, looked for other possible exits, but only found another stairwell up, a door to the left that was blocked an barricaded from the inside, as well as the garage doors that he had no clue how to open.

There was only one way to go they were trapped.

The terrifying groans echoed from behind them while they all heard a man by the machine gun yell at them, "You woke me up from my nap! I hate when that happens, I hate these zombies, and I hate today, leave me alone!"

Of course, they ran right to him.

Sure, he was right behind a machine gun and looked like he was ready to fire.

Sure, half of the survivors in the group figured he would kill them while the other half believed in human decency and thought that he would cover them.

They had no choice in the matter though, as it was there only way out.

Thankfully, human decency one the day.

As the survivors jumped over the sandbags, the short haired man in a letter jacked started yelling, screaming, "die, die, die, die," over and over again as the drum splitting rattling of the .50 caliber rounds pelted the stairwell where the undead had intended to run through.

The man unloaded everything. Jason watched in rapt attention as every single bullet from the long belt that fed itself into the gun dissipated and the red mist that settled down to a ten foot high pile that filled the doorway from where they came.

Yep, if it wasn't official before, it is now. He was desensitized to flying body parts and piles of flesh by now.

"Now!" the newly found human that was very much alive yelled as he wiped the sweat from his brow. "What the hell do you people think you're doing, bringing this shit to my door!"

He took a moment to look at the group, before grabbing Jenny's hand. "But you, angel. You are a majestic sight and are more then welcome," he said before winking lecherously.

She started crying again. Jason figured it was an achievement that she was too distracted by the run to cry before now.

"Ugh," the man in the biker vest grunted. "This is why I hate women."

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