
Chapter 2

My car was on empty we stopped at the gas station

"Hey Mia I will be right back I have to go get some gas you can come in the store with me and buy some food if you want cuz I know you're hungry even though we stopped a few times to get a bite to eat"

I close the car door shut and I hear Mia yell

"hold on wait for me I'm coming why do you walk so fast"

I giggle in response and say

"It's in my blood remember?"

I sarcastically comment.

yes once again I am a werewolf who has not yet shifted.

it's kind of cool if you think about it my mom told me I have to find my mate one day but never did so I stopped looking for him and yes Mia knows all about me she knows all my secrets I know all her secrets she has no wolfblood in her but she's still pretty strong for a human although my athletic abilities are way more better than hers cuz you know I'm extra strong and powerful most people were worried about me that I was too strong but I didn't really care what people said but most people just envied me instead.

let's just say I was never really the lonely type I always had a friend by my side known as Mia and a few other girls who thought they could be my best friends forever just because I was strong and a lot of guys liked talking to me but I just ignored them cuz I wasn't looking for any guy except for my mate that's also why I saved myself and my virginity I'm starting to give up on that but I'm still holding it in you know it makes me feel safe. I put the gas in my car and on the road we go knowing Mia although she's in shape I know she bought a lot of snacks but hey what else should we do when we have money to spare besides go shopping.

We pass the small town with a lot of woods on the outside of New York about 10 hours away, it's also where it can be a little vacation when you need some peace sometimes.

"5 hours away from New York!!"

I was saying to Mia but she didn't respond so I look to my right and see she's asleep, so I just let her be.

I'm sipping my coffee then I see the New York sign "yessss I yell to Mia who woke up screaming for sleep wondering why I'm yelling

"why are you yelling and why is it so dark outside??"

She asked I said

"well first of all we made it to New York finally"

I say well Mia's still trying to recover from what's going on

"oh okay how far are we away from our apartment"

She asked I answered

"about 10 and a half minutes"

mmm she says while trying to fall back asleep.

about 10 minutes later we reach our apartment it's pretty on the outside I can't wait to get on the inside. we leave my car and run up to the apartment with my keys and open the door

"Huh home sweet home"

Mia says exaggerating we go back down to get our luggage and then we choose our rooms

"I pick this one"

Mia yells Fineeee I say back. this apartment is actually pretty there's three rooms three bathrooms Mia's room has a bathroom so does mine the other room is a guest room also with a bathroom.

Mia and I get settled in and we unpack everything while I'm unpacking my last suitcase I hear a doorbell I say I got it Mia says oh okay I stand there confused who could it be I wasn't expecting anyone.



I say quickly going to the door. The man standing at the door was so HOT like heads over hills hot, I am not someone who goes crazy for someone that easy but he is just hot. he has black hair between long and short, and boy his eyes are so pretty they're like hazel mixed with a little bit of dark brown and we cannot forget that sharp jawline his tan color so fine, as I look down I noticed how his nice tight t-shirt it's just hugging his muscles everything about him just screams bad boy and I couldn't tell if he's aroused or if his you know what is actually just that big but something about him is just amazing he smells like pine cones mixed with a sweet man cologne smell and it just pulls me close to him.

Mia brings me out of my thoughts when I hear her say

"hey who is it"

she said

'Oh umm... just the neighbor"

I yelled back.

I turned back but then I don't have enough space to turn back because as soon as I did he was already close to touching me and that's when I noticed how tall he was, even I'm tall but compared to him I looked like I was like 5 ft but really I'm 5 '11 and when he stands at 6'7 !!!!! I'm cut out of my thoughts once again when I hear a deal and low rumble "MINE".

Next chapter